US The Official Twink Cup 2017 Thread

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Remove DogSpank from the roster please. The roster will be different when it's posted again and I'll have to see if there is even team interest since literally nothing happens anymore.
The registered teams are not accurate, will be updated soon, currently we have two teams, if we want this tournament to happen we need more, fast.
Just start TC up again in a few years, when randoms form powerhouses and care
For once we agree on something, but we're here to uphold our end of the deal, we'll see what we can do for now.
honestly im not surprised, my team is just to dominant and I wouldnt want to be embarassed 3-0 in 7 minutes on a stream either
UPDATED AS OF: 06-15-2017 7:30 PM EST.

For the second year in a row, The NWL is excited to present to you the Twink Cup 2017. This is the Official Thread, anything written in this thread or outside of this Official post is not a part of the structure and rules of this event, unless the post is made by a member of the NWL administration.

The NWL crew bringing you content this year will consist of Lindenkron Broadcasting the main stream and creating all of the NWL’s graphics on both the Official Thread and the Livestreams. “X” hosting the second stream for the lower brackets. Blackout as event organizer and main caster and Conq as event organizer and event coordinator.

We've has come a long way since the Twink Cup 2016, working due diligently to produce the best quality livestream that we can with the resources at our disposal, so you better hang onto your seats come game day - it’s gonna be one heck of a show!


The first day of the Twink Cup 2017, will be on Friday the 11th of August. This will be one whole evening dedicated to 3v3 Arena. The Twink Cup is about showing all aspects of Twink vs Twink PvP within the bracket, here teams can compete to show off their arena skills and one team will become this year's Champions! (Yes, this will give you a badge on XPOFF.COM).

The Dates and Times for the Weekend of the Twink Cup are:
  • 3v3 Arena Tournament: Friday 11th August - Starting at 6PM EST
  • WSG Tournament Day 1: Saturday 12th August - Starting at 12am EST (Midday/Noon)
  • WSG Tournament Day 2: Sunday 13th August - Starting at 12am EST (Midday/Noon)

Want to contribute to this year's prize pool? You can Donate by clicking the picture. Alternatively, you can go to XPOFF.COM and head over to the forums section. Scroll down and look at the right side of the page and you can see the Official Donation section there!

This year the Twink Cup will be accepting Gold Donations to award prizes to the second and third place competitors. Donations are being accepted on Bleeding Hollow Horde and Alliance. If you would like to donate please speak with an NWL Administrator or mail gold to Notconq-BleedingHollow (horde) or Twinkuminati-BleedingHollow (alliance).

Out of the total Gold Prize Pool currently consisting of 1 MILLION gold, the money will be distributed between second and third place as follows:
  • Second place will receive 70% of the total donated gold.
  • Third place will receive 30% of the total donated gold.


We will be hand selecting SIX teams that we feel deserve a guaranteed spot in this year's Tournament, one of which will be the champions of the Twink Cup 2016. The teams that we will be hand selecting, will be selected by their ability to dominate inside the gulch. After the six teams have been chosen there will be TWO remaining Wildcard spots up for grabs. To be in with a chance of grabbing one of those spots, you must sign up for the Main Event and all teams that are NOT selected to have a guaranteed spot in the event will automatically be seeded into the Wildcard Event. The Winner and the runner up (2nd place) will advance into the main event. The Wildcard event will be a round robin format event to give each team an equal shot at qualifying.

Team Roster signups begin upon creation of this thread with immediate effect (May 12th 2017). The signups will close on the 28st of July 2017 at MIDNIGHT EST. However, if at least EIGHT teams are not signed up by the deadline there will be a deadline extension for a MAXIMUM of ONE week.

Below is a template of how it is required for your team leader to sign up your team's roster for the tournament:
Name 1 (Team Captain) Indicated by a BLUE font text color
Name 2 (Team Representative) Indicated by a GREEN font text color, this CAN be the team captain
Name 3
Name 4
Name 5
Name 6
Name 7
Name 8
Name 9
Name 10
Name 11
Name 12

Name 13
Team Captain's BATTLETAG. i.e TeamCaptain#1234
Each name must have a hyperlink to the player's “main class” armory page.

Every team must be comprised of a minimum of 10 and the maximum of 13 players, of which one person is the respectable Team Captain and the same person or another person is the designated Team Representative. If no team representative is indicated then it will be presumed that the Team Leader will be representing their team. The Team Captain is the person who is in charge of the team, the person who the team members believe owns/manages the team. The Team Representative is the person who will be nominated by the team to do the interviews and all other forms of broadcasted related aspects in representation of their team. Failure to sign up your team with the format that has been asked of you will result in your teams sign up to not be verified and thus your team will not be signed up. Please make sure that all required information is posted in your teams sign up post.

Each teams captain must add The NWL’s event manager to Battle Tag to enable us to queue the competing teams up using the spectator client. Refusal to add our event manager to Battle Tag will result in the team to not be eligible to take part in the event.

Below is a template of how it is require for your team leader to sign up your team's roster for the tournament:
Name 1 (Team Captain) Indicated by a BLUE font text color
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4

Team Captain's BATTLETAG. i.e TeamCaptain#1234
Each name must have a hyperlink to the player's “main class” armory page.


We will be using Challonge to organize and manage the teams competing in both the Warsong Event and the 3v3 Arena Event of this years Twink Cup. Both the Warsong and 3v3 Arena Event will be using a Double Elimination Format. Within this format, teams will be expected to play a best of three series throughout the entirety of each event. In the Grand Final of Both the Warsong and 3v3 Arena Events, the finalists will compete in a Best of Seven to determine who are the Grand Champions.


The Rules:
  • If two competing teams are of the same faction, each team will play from both the Alliance and the Horde faction's side ONCE and in the event that the series comes to a 3rd deciding game, the faction side that each team will play on in that game will be determined by coin toss. In the finals, the faction’s side will alternate until the very last game of the series, which will be decided by coin toss. The first game of the series will be decided by the random faction selection generator that is implemented into the wargaming feature.
  • Any form of abuse towards the hosts, commentators or any of the authority will not be tolerated. It is each player's job to be able to communicate with respect and to be as cooperative as possible. This is deemed NWL etiquette and an individual or a team may receive cautions or any of the league's punishments depend on the severity of the abuse.
  • In the situation where a player on a team happens to get disconnected and unable to rejoin the game or “DDOSED”, each team is allowed to request a replay of that game ONCE per series. To be eligible for a replay the gates must not have opened as when the gates are open the game is considered underway and thus is not eligible to be restarted. If your team is in doubt that a final/number of players will be ready to play upon the opening of the gates then your team must initiate leaving the game before the gates open. If using your replay in this instance requires that more than one consecutive “leave and requeue” is necessary to have both teams inside the game with 10 people on each team that is permitted.
  • Upon request or necessity of a game restart/replay, the teams will keep requeueing until the teams factions are the same as what they was in the game that is being restarted/replayed.
  • Any behavior that would be considered strange, mechanically manipulative, or non-objective oriented is not permitted and may result in a penalty.
  • Deadly Boss Mods addon is not allowed.
  • No software violating Blizzard’s ToS is permitted.
  • Anyone can play any character on any account, as long as they are signed up on your roster. When you sign players up to your roster you are signing the player up and not just the character.

  • It is imperative that all teams that are in an up and coming game that is to be broadcasted have at least their Team Captain and their Team Representative use the NWL Discord Voice client. Mics in Discord are permitted to be set to ‘Mute’ but NOT to ‘Deafen’.

General and Composition Rules:
  • Maximum of a two(2) class limit, except for the Druid class who have a three(3) class limit, providing that a FERAL or GUARDIAN Druid is in the composition (You cannot play more than two(2) Druids unless one of the aforementioned specializations are present).
  • Maximum of one(1) Survival Hunter can be present on each team in the game.
  • Maximum of three(3) stealth classes.
  • All characters participating in the event must be level nineteen(19).
  • Loot obtained through Satchel of Helpful Goods with a 35 or higher item level is BANNED.
  • Using any enchant (Armor or Weapon enchant) that still work inside the battleground is BANNED. E.g. Black Magic.
  • Toys, any items in bags or anything other than Healthstones, Bandages and Battle Standards are BANNED.
  • Any items that require you to be level 20 or higher to obtain is BANNED.
  • Each player must enter the battleground with the spec they intend to play in that specific battleground. Spec swapping is NOT permitted and if a player enters upon accident as the wrong spec, teams will be asked to leave and re-queue. If this occurs repeatedly or the administration this rule is being “abused” or “misused” then the team in question will receive an appropriate warning.
Note: These rules are NOT finalized. These rules will change with the discoveries of the meta and will be finalized when The NWL feel that the rules provide the most balanced, fair and competitive playing field for all competitors.

General Rules:
  • Loot obtained through Satchel of Helpful Goods with a 35 or higher item level is BANNED.
  • Toys, any items in bags or anything other than Healthstones, Bandages and Battle Standards are BANNED.
  • Any items that require you to be level 20 or higher to obtain is BANNED.
Composition Rules:
  • The format must be either of the following:
    • 1 Healer 1 Dps 1 Tank
    • 1 Healer 2 Dps
  • NO double hybrid compositions.
Note: These rules are NOT finalized. These rules will change with the discoveries of the meta and will be finalized when The NWL feel that the rules provide the most balanced, fair and competitive playing field for all competitors.


The definition of a 'Jump' is as followed:
"Using the jump function (Default keybind: Spacebar) twice or more consecutively and/or in a sequence in an attempt to access a different location on the map to gain a tactical, advantageous position over the enemy team."


"Using invisible ledges combined with the jump function to access a different location on the map than where the individual was before the use of the first jump."

The jumps shown in the video below are exclusively the ones permitted in the Twink Cup 2017. Any jump that is not in the video is strictly forbidden and will result in a warning or penalty in accordance to its severity.


There are going to be numerous levels of severity when it comes to punishment when breaking the rules. The punishments will be split into three levels of severity. If a punishment of the same nature occurs three times throughout the course of the tournament, the next level of punishment will be awarded. This is based around the universally known “Three Strikes” rule.

Game Loss
Minor: If any individual does anything that is considered illegal that does not/did not have any direct impact on the direction, flow or result of the game will be given a warning. A warning is merely a slap on the wrist, however if a team collectively throughout the whole duration of the tournament gets THREE warnings it will result in a loss of the next available game to the team. Repeatedly offending at the warning level of severity will result in the tournament hosts to decide a sufficient punishment.

Major: If any individual does anything that is considered illegal that has a direct impact on the direction or result of the game will instantly lose that specific game regardless of the actual victor. If a team happens to get THREE "Major" punishments collectively throughout the course of the tournament it will result in instant removal from the tournament. In the game where the final major offense has been committed, players will be expected to play out the rest of the game as normal.

If an individual, team or anyone with direct association to a team (i.e someone on the roster, whether they are in the game or not) performs an action that has an extreme effect on a game and it’s outcome will be punished by disqualification from the tournament. Things on this level of severity are things as follows:
  • Using game mechanics in a way that was unintended to be used in such a way, such as gaining a competitive advantage in the battleground i.e. Destroying one's Hearthstone and using the "Stuck" feature to be able to choose where you wish to body resurrect.
  • Use of third party software that is deemed against the Terms of Service that every player agrees to when playing World of Warcraft.
  • DDoS attacks or any form of harassment that can cause a player to not be able to take part in the game commencing.
  • Absolutely anything that breaks Activision Blizzard Entertainment's Terms of Service
  • Failure to comply with what is asked of you by the tournament organizers. E.g. to use the voice client Discord.

All games that are taking place in the Winners Bracket and the GRAND FINALS will take place on the main stream. See the Challonge page to find out what game is coming up next!

All games that are taking place on the Losers Bracket will take place on the following second stream. See the Challonge page to find out what game is coming up next!


The entire prize pool as seen on the XP off Donation Page will go to the team who wins the Warsong Gulch event. The Arena section of the Tournament is purely there for the spirit of competition and fun for the community. There is no reward for coming first place in this section of the Tournament.

The prize will be paid directly into the paypal account of the Team Leader of the Winners team. If this proves to be an issue, further discussion between the Tournament Hosts and the Winning team will decide how the payment will be made.




We would like to thank Livingforce for Sponsoring the Event, enabling The NWL to be able to host this years Twink Cup. We would also like to thank Magoo for Donating a whopping $2,000 USD to the prize pool to kick start the fundraiser for this years event. Without both of these people this years Twink Cup would not have been possible!

Also a big thanks to all who contributed to the gold prize pool:
  • Conq - 1,000,000 Gold
Last but not least a huge thank you to all of those who decided to donate to this years Twink Cup grand final prize pool. You can see all their names here.




Note: The NWL withhold the right to change, edit, add to or remove any part of this post including the 3v3 Arena and Battleground rules at anytime, even during the event.

So for the 3vs3 arena. It doesn't look like 3dps comp. Teams are allowed? Is this true? All I see listed is 1 heal 2 dps. Or. 1 heal, 1 tank, 1 dps. A little clarification plz. Thanks.

Aka Protrockin/Zorblast
Composition Rules:
  • The format must be either of the following:
    • 1 Healer 1 Dps 1 Tank
    • 1 Healer 2 Dps
  • NO double hybrid compositions.

The part about swapping character s/ classes out. Is that being allowed from game to game within a match? Or only at the start of each new series?
The part about swapping character s/ classes out. Is that being allowed from game to game within a match? Or only at the start of each new series?

It's basically same rules as endgame arena tournaments if you've been following that. First map will be Nagrand Arena (because it's the most neutral map), and it will be a blind pick composition (none of the teams know what comp they'll face). Whoever loses, chooses next map (can't choose maps that have already been played, have to go through the map pool) and has the option to switch comp. The winning team has to lock in the same comp.

Usually series are best of 5, idk what they run with here (too lazy to go back and look, you can do that).
It's basically same rules as endgame arena tournaments if you've been following that. First map will be Nagrand Arena (because it's the most neutral map), and it will be a blind pick composition (none of the teams know what comp they'll face). Whoever loses, chooses next map (can't choose maps that have already been played, have to go through the map pool) and has the option to switch comp. The winning team has to lock in the same comp.

Usually series are best of 5, idk what they run with here (too lazy to go back and look, you can do that).

Ok so winning team has to keep same comp. But I want to clarify. If a team loses a game within a series are they free to switch it up? I am unclear to when that is allowed. Oh and thanks for your help.

Aka Protrockin/Zorblast
Ok so winning team has to keep same comp. But I want to clarify. If a team loses a game within a series are they free to switch it up? I am unclear to when that is allowed. Oh and thanks for your help.

Aka Protrockin/Zorblast

Yeah. If you win, you have to keep your comp until you lose. Only when you lose, you are allowed to switch comp.
Where are you getting all this information from?

Where does it say the tournament is following this format?

It doesn't say anywhere. The only rules that has been mentioned is stuff that's "outside of the ordinary rules". Such as what gear is banned, enchants, all that jaz. Stuff that has direct impact.

When it comes to general arena rules, what I described is what's generally used. At endgame too.

-4man roster

-First map is always Nagrand Arena

-First comps are blind picks (no one knows what the other team is going to play)

-Losing team decides next map (can't choose a map that has already been played) and gets to change their comp if they want to. Winning team has to play same comp.

-A series is best of 5

@Blackout @lindenkron @The NWL @Conq
this may or may not be a good format/idea, but it is not certain its a thing that will be implemented, so dont confuse people by saying it is

it was with kind thoughts towards helping, but it does not help if the information is not right
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