This has been an amazing read. The babies crying over "how was this committee chosen!?" ... "why doesn't my guild get a say!?" ... "its a community run event!!" ... and so on, are genuinely embarrassing to read. Think of it like an event which is being run FOR the community by a third party. Regardless who came up with the idea, YOU didn't need to put in any work to actually bring about all of the stuff which has been laid out, and you can choose whether or not you want to compete! Plus, on the bright side, the people running it have actually shown that they are willing to take peoples opinions on board through back and forth on this thread and saying that they will talk over the constructive points raised! Where else will you see that? You guys have obviously never entered any other competitions before if you think that just by being a
participant, you somehow have the authority to organise...
On the team members rules input thing:
People in this thread claim that they want this is for fairness' sake, but who is it you actually want to see in the committee? Leaders from the 6 invited teams? We didn't know who was invited until this post came about. What about the wildcard teams? Do we include them too? How would we do that, they're not all fully formed yet are they? OH, and don't forget about the 3's tourney! Better try and find a member from all of the 16+ squads who might show an interest in competing to come up with another set of rules. Oh shit, we now have 30 people in a group chat and if just 1 isn't mature enough, they will name and shame folk and get their team to do the same, shittalking about how the rules committee is unfair and how one guilds opinion is more valid than others and that the whole thing is a sham.
The long and short of it is everyone in here who now has SO MUCH TO SAY regarding what rules should and should not be, didn't actually make any efforts whatsoever to try and
aid or
help the current team who have actively dedicated time and effort to taking the TC forward. If someone can prove to me that they were brimming full of great and constructive ideas and were then turned away at the door of the evil rules corporation the please do by all means. But I'd be willing to bet that none of the people crying so hard actually made any positive effort to get themselves involved. Why would you? It's so much easier just to sit back, let things happen then QQ and flame for all the niggly details until it snowballs into people just bashing people like I'm doing now.