The Official Arena League 2.0

Hardc0re said:
3 hunters.

Ontopic: Me want :)

Need team

On your mage or rogue?

btw in 3vs3 you have atleast 1 healer and 2 dps and atleast 1 dps can always cc to help out the healer... :p
Yeah because of the EU players AND football (american) season I think we should push it up to 11 AM PST Sunday.
If you're looking for opinions, I agree that we should just match people up and let them work out their own match times, that seems expedient? I definitely agree we should pick a time so we can all hobnob together between matches, but if someone can't make that particular time, they should feel free to schedule their match whenever possible. That's the beauty of a swiss tourney, no one has to wait for another match to end.
11AM server works for me.

Also: I suggest we not allow AGM to be equipped or used. Allowing it encourages folks to ask their lvl 85 buddies to come win the arena for them. I know I'd certainly be tempted to reach out and recruit an 85 the first time I lost a formal match to AGM....
I'll have to have a look when I get my schedule for school even though It would be 8 pm EU for me but idk when I got school - so far. But ya I'd preferly put it on a Friday/Saturday normaly everyone can come online on those days.
Hunters should be allowed in the tourney. We should just have a ban on any double class/spec comp. Meaning no hunter/hunter, rogue/rogue, Mage/Mage(LOL), warlock/warlock, priest/priest or warrior/warrior. But you could have something like holy pally/Ret pally, feral/ resto, or enhance/resto etc as long as they are different specs. Those classes change in a huge way depending on spec.

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