The new rogue build

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Falaris said:
This one Im not _100%_ positive on, but Im fairly sure 14AP=1 point of topend, NOT 1 DPS. One point of topend means one more point of damage every 2.7 seconds (SFs attack speed), so its even less of an increase than you think.

no ~14 AP = 1 dps, otherwise fast weapons would scale way too well with AP
Blackout said:
my god, that build is whack. check this build out if you want the REAL NEW ROGUE BUILD (yes i did just use caps)


waits for you to get crucified for saying a buzzer blade is good.

Are you going to bother to mention the fact that I joined the game with like 12 minutes left and only had 3k less damage than you? The game with Bobbo was a different game btw
You going to bother mentioning that I was FCing for quite a while? Oh thats right, u werent there for a bit.
Diiesel said:
waits for you to get crucified for saying a buzzer blade is good.

You going to bother mentioning that I was FCing for quite a while? Oh thats right, u werent there for a bit.

I was going to at first, but decided it was so obvious it wasnt worth discussing.
Blackout said:
dont knock it until youve tried it, the DPS that gear and spec as a whole puts out is pretty insane.

How much more crit do you get with that over TB?
Blackout said:
my god, that build is whack. check this build out if you want the REAL NEW ROGUE BUILD (yes i did just use caps)


I didn't get to the build. The window was already closed when I hovered over the Shadowfang with 15 agility.
Realek said:
falaris is right youre wrong. i mean falaris already knows this i imagine hes just bored atm and enjoys making all you kids look dumb.

You're an idiot.

bobbo said:
well im willing to bet money diiesel would most likely roll the living piss outta u and im almost done with my 80 so ill have boas on my rouge which undoubtfully would roll the pisso outta u. so yeah u go for ur 45738475 hit cap and when u hit me for 87 and i hit u for 180 and u wonder why ur getting pwnedremember this forum

You're an idiot.

Blackout said:
0.71%, i switch to AGI TB when im facing melee, when nuking somthing like a caster, ill always take the buzzer.


Subpar said:
This thread is, imo, everything thats wrong with twinking today. Older twinking was great, back when nobody knew what the gear limits it blue? Equip that shit. Good stats? Equip it. Slap the most OP enchants you can find on your gear, maybe an armor kit or two. Choose a spec that works for you. Done.

Now, everybody is worried about 2% crit, etc. I understand it, twink=the very best. But (and I know this is just me) all the spreadsheets, flowcharts, pie charts and other shit take some fun out of it.

Its an mmo, not a science. Think your build is the best? Fuuuuck year, use that shit.

I love the math involved, it's what got me into twinking. Math first, PvP second.

Falaris is the best rogue I've seen in a while. And I'm not saying this based on his playstyle, I'm saying this based on his math. Though I still disagree that TB is viable (IMO Arenas matter a lot more than WSG, and SF/SF Fiery/Fiery are still better overall), he's got his head in the right place, unlike 99% of Rogues.

Like those who think there's such thing as a Backstab spec. lol. The only reason I EVER used Assassin's Blade was for the same exact reason I equipped 2 AB's with Icy on them on Thirk. Because I had 8 of them.
About the 15 agi, yes, same with [char=Bloodhoof]Notna[/char]

For a sec I was him in WSG and I was like ocool maybe he is good.

then I look at his weapons :3 This was my reaction to him:

[ame=]YouTube - family guy peter disappointed by gum[/ame]

I was all like "hay why you have agi?" he wuz liek "im not like other twinks."

That's what makes him bad. tsk tsk
wait... blackout is insane in EU, the dudes fricking beast even if he gears quite differently than the rest of us. I just can't wait to meet you in gulch Fal, though it'll be harder to compare numbers cross faction... Meh, wanna drop 30 bucks for testing lol.

PS: If you play a 19 rogue solely to get "big" numbers in wsg scoreboard you need to reroll hunter. Its FC kills or git bro.
Quelfep said:
I was all like "hay why you have agi?" he wuz liek "im not like other twinks."

That's what makes him bad. tsk tsk

He's bad for way more reasons than that.

Like 0 Hit Rating for example. And his build.
Guyz look at me i stacked hit on all my gear am i good yet
iaccidentlytwink, what on earth do you know.. really. keep your shit comments to yourself. all you do is theorycraft on forums all day, in theory a proccing enchant might do down better, but in practice its so much different, you would know these things if you actually spent time pvping and not trolling these forums all your life.

if you wanna try and bad word me, hit up an eu account and ill show you how it goes down on a real rogue.
Falaris said:

but i hurd all the pro rogues stack ze hit
Blackout said:
iaccidentlytwink, what on earth do you know.. really. keep your shit comments to yourself. all you do is theorycraft on forums all day, in theory a proccing enchant might do down better, but in practice its so much different, you would know these things if you actually spent time pvping and not trolling these forums all your life.

if you wanna try and bad word me, hit up an eu account and ill show you how it goes down on a real rogue.

Being able to execute your class better than another person doesnt make buzzer blade less bad. It just means youd beat them even worse if you were using a setup that wasnt trash.
Falaris said:
Being able to execute your class better than another person doesnt make buzzer blade less bad. It just means youd beat them even worse if you were using a setup that wasnt trash.

Or it means that the way that i like to do things, is different than the way others like to do things, so dont trash on it just cos you dont agree with it. works perfectly for me, so it cant be half as bad as anyone here could possibly make it out to be, no matter how hard they try
Blackout said:
Or it means that the way that i like to do things, is different than the way others like to do things, so dont trash on it just cos you dont agree with it. works perfectly for me, so it cant be half as bad as anyone here could possibly make it out to be, no matter how hard they try

The difference is youre trying to actually imply Buzzer Blade is better than Shadowfang/TB/CB, which is just not true. A 'playstyle' doesnt make a weapon better. Some weapons are just better than other weapons.

Your argument is basically 'hey guys 3 is greater than 4. if you disagree with me we can duel to see who is right!'. Sorry, that just doesnt work. No ones really disagreeing that youre a good rogue, I have no idea... Ive never seen you play. I hear youre great at rogue duels......... cool? When youre in warsong gulch do you /stop then /beckon rogues off to the side of the bg so you can duel them?
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