Greatest of all Time
Falaris said:The difference is youre trying to actually imply Buzzer Blade is better than Shadowfang/TB/CB, which is just not true. A 'playstyle' doesnt make a weapon better. Some weapons are just better than other weapons.
Your argument is basically 'hey guys 3 is greater than 4. if you disagree with me we can duel to see who is right!'. Sorry, that just doesnt work. No ones really disagreeing that youre a good rogue, I have no idea... Ive never seen you play. I hear youre great at rogue duels......... cool? When youre in warsong gulch do you /stop then /beckon rogues off to the side of the bg so you can duel them?
i said nothing about my 'playstyle' i said the way i do things, the way i do things is to stack crit to apply pressure, that is nothing to do with my playstyle.
that being said, my arguement isnt 'hey guys 3 is greater than 4, if you disagree with me we can duel to see whos right!' ive already stated my arguement above so we dont need to cover that again. when i am in warsong i do my job properly, i never do 1v1's. in arena when people /duel me, i ignore it and just carry on. i NEVER do 1v1's, that is a thing of the past - my view on 1v1's (please note, i said MY VIEW so if anyone wants to question it, feel free, as its my view) is that it is for the weak, it is a way to prove how good you are as an inidividual and compare it to how good another individual is. the real skill (again, in my view) is how you can apply yourself in group situations, how you can assist/support your own team mates, while neutralising the enemies team mates to the best of your ability.
to conclude, with all of that being said, no i am not one of these ego seeking rogues who run around wsg trying to turn everything into a 1v1, if anything i see a 1v1 and i get involved to finish it fast, so the person doing it isnt wasting the time of everyone else in that battleground.