Twink Info Legend
After reading all of this I see people stating over and over "I do not want to sift through information that does not pertain to me". Most information on TI does not pertain to anyone. Or you can try the search button. Or the portal option. I do it all the time.
Or I " feel I am being forced to post to threads that have nothing to do with me". If they have nothing to do with you then why even read them, much less post in them? How are you being "forced" to do anything.
Here I go calling you stupid again.
Well what they mean is that they might find some intrest in some of the f2p threads and none what so ever in the 29 threads. And what they means with being forced to sift through information is having to scroll through three pages of threads to find the one the looked at in the morning because with all brackets merged there would be too many people in this subforum. They aren't being forced to read the thread they are being forced in to this new idea that shows a much more divided staff then [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] presented it as. And to scroll though threads on the portal page where you find threads not inside the threads.