The Big Poll

What arrangement would you MOST prefer?

  • Guides separated, one Discussion for Subscribers, one for Alternate

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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After reading all of this I see people stating over and over "I do not want to sift through information that does not pertain to me". Most information on TI does not pertain to anyone. Or you can try the search button. Or the portal option. I do it all the time.
Or I " feel I am being forced to post to threads that have nothing to do with me". If they have nothing to do with you then why even read them, much less post in them? How are you being "forced" to do anything.


Here I go calling you stupid again.

Well what they mean is that they might find some intrest in some of the f2p threads and none what so ever in the 29 threads. And what they means with being forced to sift through information is having to scroll through three pages of threads to find the one the looked at in the morning because with all brackets merged there would be too many people in this subforum. They aren't being forced to read the thread they are being forced in to this new idea that shows a much more divided staff then [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] presented it as. And to scroll though threads on the portal page where you find threads not inside the threads.
Always with the personal attacks.
No one is forced to do anything. They are here by choice. What is so hard to understand about that?
Merging these forums is not a new idea, dividing them was the new idea. And it failed...

Okay one last thing. I believe if all the 20(f2p, p2p, vet) - 29 forums were merged together, whether or not it is in an attempt to bring "everyone closer" it would make a total mess of the information. Like people have stated above, it would literally take 5 minutes to scroll through pages on something that was posted earlier in the day. There are sections in a library for a reason, to help find that information quicker. Take fiction in literary genres for example, there is: Fanfiction, Fiction Narrative, Fiction in verse, Historical Fiction, Realistic Fiction, and Science Fiction. Imagine going into a library looking for a specific book and all these were all thrown in together. Separating things IMO, isn't about Me VS. You or Us VS. Them, it is about finding this information in a organized and timely manner. Only way I believe it would work would be sub forums, within the actual bracket 20-29.

I would also like to touch on the "I am better than you" attitude that it seems some people have. I have P2P lvl 20's. I played them when they were 19's, then the 20-24 bracket became the most active, so I leveled them. I will soon be going to "Vet" account status, not because I can not afford to pay for my account, but because I have a life with a couple little ones and will soon be starting school this fall and can not partake in max level activities. I guess my point is, it doesn't matter what someones status is F2P, P2P, Vet or 29, we all have reasons why we are that "Status." We should all respect that fact and not bash someone because of their "Status."

Seems a lot lately if someone doesn't agree with someone, instead of talking it out and having an educated debate, let us personally insult the individual instead.

Rant over and continue on with this debate :0)

Edit: Spelling Error
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Always with the personal attacks.
No one is forced to do anything. They are here by choice. What is so hard to understand about that?
Merging these forums is not a new idea, dividing them was the new idea. And it failed...


You're an easy target.
If the merge goes through someone looking for F2P threads would be forced to see 29 threads. What is so hard to understand about that?
It didn't fail, blizz has just altered the field and people went looking for adjustments to make the forums more representive of said field.
they are being forced in to this new idea that shows a much more divided staff then Kincaide presented it as.

I don't know what this means. We saw which way you guys appeared to be leaning, and I put a thread out to gauge how the larger population felt about it. The larger population told me in very clear terms what they felt about it, so I apologized and made this poll completely at the population's wishes. We're doing our best to give you guys exactly what you're asking for, both implicitly and explicitly, so if this statement is some sort of complaint about that, then I don't know what more we could possibly do to satisfy you.

You're an easy target.
If the merge goes through someone looking for F2P threads would be forced to see 29 threads. What is so hard to understand about that?

If someone were looking for hunter threads they would be forced to see warrior threads, priest threads, mage threads, shaman threads, do I need to go on? I'm not advocating one plan or another, and I haven't voted myself, but people do need to be realistic about the "sorting through unrelated threads" argument.
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such confusing poll, with could vote like 2-4options cuz they are basicly the same.

anyway went with: Guides and Discussion for all 20, and another for all 21-29

which i guess its way it is now and theres 20s p2p so this poll is incorrect doesnt not have correct options so it should not be taken serious. sorry kincaide u almost made good poll but due to that mistake this poll has no value now.
To all:

The intent at this time is to leave this poll open for the remainder of the weekend, and then on Monday close the poll and look at the most and least popular results. There are ten choices available, and one "other". What I plan to do is to eliminate the five least popular choices, and then create a new "Round Two" poll with the five top choices and "other".

The reason for doing it this way is so that anyone who voted for the five least popular options would then be able to put in their vote for their next favorite option, of the ones that remain. This will give everyone a chance to have more of a voice in the final product.

Additionally, a few people have noted that some of the poll options are similar enough to each other that the effect is to split the vote. I hope that it will still mean that the most popular options will still be in the top five, but I need feedback from you guys on this. The options that say "Guides separated" imply a radical new forum arrangement where Guides for the whole site are in one section, and Discussions for the whole site are in another section, rather than guide sections being embedded in the discussion groups as they are now. That idea is meant to make it easier for you to go find a very specific guide no matter what discussion group you're from, and it means we can break up the guides in groups different from the groups the discussions are broken up into. I'm afraid that I wasn't able to explain that well enough in the poll options due to character limitation, but if that was confusing to anyone's vote, let me know.
It means that out of the 2 staff members that have voted, neither of them voted for a merge.

Oh, okay. Well take that as evidence, then, that we were trying to do what we thought the population wanted, even if it weren't necessarily what we would choose ourselves. We're not here to dictate anything to you guys (despite the occasional accusation to the contrary) :)
No one is "forcing" anyone to read ANY unwanted content that they do not want to read. They are choosing to read the content they deem unnecessary. It is not like it takes milliseconds to skim over titles that does not pertain to you. Sheesh...

It means that out of the 2 staff members that have voted, neither of them voted for a merge.

I wouldn't say we're completely divided. A lot of good points have been given both for and against merging. At this point, I myself feel that merging the subforums has both advantages and disadvantages. Just because I picked the option that doesn't include merging, doesn't mean I'm totally against it. The reason this whole discussion started was to help pick the best decision.

Plus, we want to hear out what the community wants, so that we can make a decision based on that. We've already got 70+ votes in less than a day and I'm expecting a lot more. Our purpose is to figure out what the majority of all these voters want. Votes from a couple Staff members only make up a small part of that big picture and should still be treated the same as any other vote.

Lots of great input and feedback here so far.
One thing I believe is being overlooked with almost all of the options and discussions here is where would something meant for and in reference to the bracket as a whole go? Not in 20 and not in 21-29. There really needs to be an option of a 20-29 bracket forum with sub forums for f2p, vet, and 29. Each subforum would have its own guides and stickies and be for things that are exclusively that group. And anything that applies to more than one or the bracket in general would need to posted or moved to the bracket forum.

*edit: this is if in the end one merged forum is not the choice. Which I still feel makes the most sense now since all the changes brought about by WoD.
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ffs. What a headache! If nothing, this proves that you all have way too much time on your hands. As such, you relish squabbling, and these past few threads are Christmas come early for you.
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The trial population is the biggest one on TI... guess which one is going to win. It doesn't take that many braincells to use to predict this outcome.

If it is the right one, I doubt it, all this f2p vs p2p wars never brought any good and brought the whole twinking idea on TI down to the level of free to play twinking while it does belong in the 20-29 bracket forum. These wars are even going on in this thread. Why doesn't TI change the site to "F2P Twinking" and "some more brackets".
The trial population is the biggest one on TI... guess which one is going to win. It doesn't take that many braincells to use to predict this outcome.

If it is the right one, I doubt it, all this f2p vs p2p wars never brought any good and brought the whole twinking idea on TI down to the level of free to play twinking while it does belong in the 20-29 bracket forum. These wars are even going on in this thread. Why doesn't TI change the site to "F2P Twinking" and "some more brackets".

i like ur idea of changing TI name, makes sense, F2PTwinkInfo and some other brackets no one cares about.
well looking at number of threads for each section, 10-19 has 14k, f2p nearly 5.5k, 20-29 nearly 5k and 70-79 4.2k
The trial population is the biggest one on TI... guess which one is going to win. It doesn't take that many braincells to use to predict this outcome.

I'd say this is certainly the case currently. Otherwise this debate wouldn't exist, as there would be no separate f2p forum. If that were not the case we'd see debates on whether 10s and probably more applicable, MoP capped 90s should have their own forums as well.

I have found it interesting how once this unification idea came up the dialogue has switched from wanting to oust all the vet sellouts to circling the wagons to protect segregation from 29s scum.

It will be more interesting to see how opinions, attitudes and dialogues evolve if in the coming months vet (and therefore p2p) 20s become the dominant population both here on TI and in BGs.

My hope is that Shane and the mods have the wisdom to make the right permanent choice for the community, (not just cave to popular opinion) whatever that choice may be (not saying mine is).
There really needs to be an option of a 20-29 bracket forum with sub forums for f2p, vet, and 29. Each subforum would have its own guides and stickies and be for things that are exclusively that group. And anything that applies to more than one or the bracket in general would need to posted or moved to the bracket forum.

Since this option has also been mentioned by others, I will add it into the set of reduced options that I will post after this poll closes tomorrow. Since everybody will get a chance to re-vote, it will be given equal consideration as the others.

Additionally, for everyone, when I post the new options tomorrow, I'm going to remove the consideration of "where the guides go" because for organizational purposes the guides might get pulled out into a "Reference Library" section of the forums regardless of how we end up arranging the discussion groups. This is purely organizational and is an idea I had hoped to kick around after we have sorted out the discussion groups organization, so for the new poll options that are going up tomorrow, please be thinking ONLY in terms of how you want your discussion sections to be organized, and don't consider organization of guides, as those can be handled separately.

It's not too late to vote on this poll before the options get whittled down tomorrow.
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