The Best Hunter in your Opinion.

Do you know the difference between skill floor and skill ceiling?
Yes, I do.

A professional hunter can whipe the floor with noob hunters any day, but to non-hunters it doesn't matter since most of the time a hunter, regardless of skill level will beat them or get close to beating them any time. I didn't say at all that all hunters were idiots, hunters are just so OP that who cares if one's skilled when you're fighting them, it's -almost- the same outcome.

I have no problem with the professional hunters who've been hunters for a long time, they're cool. I just despise the hunters who are FoTM rerollers who can't play their class and still top the charts like a professional hunter.
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No. She (as usual) took a post about how "easy" hunter's are to play, way too personal. Saying that they have more spells then a war and rogue combined(?) And that they are not easy to play.
So me telling someone they made a stupid post is taking it personal? Hunters have close to if not the most spells in this bracket and thats a fact. Wars and rogues have close to if not the least amount of spells in this bracket and that's a fact.. Please tell me how saying someone is stupid for calling a hunt easy to play while they main a war and rogue who don't have half the abilities a hunt has is personal?

Some people really need to shut up about this me taking it personal crap and realize what I am saying is nothing personal at all just arguing with someone who makes a really dumb post about hunters

TL;DR: People mock hunters too much, when other classes are bad-worse.
Yay another person who's views done change no matter of the person arguing with ^-^ I know I was right phron but thanks for backing me up lol. Your quoted part is really all I need to address here and to know why just read the following quote :p

I'd really like to see all these "hunter-haters" play a hunter flawlessly[....] it sure is often on TI when mediocre players complain about how easy one class is[...] Also, skill floor certianly doesn't equal skill ceiling.
Yes, I do.

A professional hunter can whipe the floor with noob hunters any day, but to non-hunters it doesn't matter since most of the time a hunter, regardless of skill level will beat them or get close to beating them any time. I didn't say at all that all hunters were idiots, hunters are just so OP that who cares if one's skilled when you're fighting them, it's -almost- the same outcome.

I have no problem with the professional hunters who've been hunters for a long time, they're cool. I just despise the hunters who are FoTM rerollers who can't play their class and still top the charts like a professional hunter.

does playing/maining a hunter since feb 2005 make me a FOTM reroller?
So me telling someone they made a stupid post is taking it personal? Hunters have close to if not the most spells in this bracket and thats a fact. Wars and rogues have close to if not the least amount of spells in this bracket and that's a fact.. Please tell me how saying someone is stupid for calling a hunt easy to play while they main a war and rogue who don't have half the abilities a hunt has is personal?

Some people really need to shut up about this me taking it personal crap and realize what I am saying is nothing personal at all just arguing with someone who makes a really dumb post about hunters

Yay another person who's views done change no matter of the person arguing with ^-^ I know I was right phron but thanks for backing me up lol. Your quoted part is really all I need to address here and to know why just read the following quote :p

i just got the 2nd part of your sig finally today, well atleast i think. if i am not right you should tell me what it is.

"and then beat you with experience" haha i get it because they are 4 levels higher so they have more experience.

did i get it right? :)
I wish people would stop rolling hunters and making threads about hunters and qqing about hunters, and rerolling hunters and bragging about hunters and hating hunters and etc etc etc.
i just got the 2nd part of your sig finally today, well atleast i think. if i am not right you should tell me what it is.

"and then beat you with experience" haha i get it because they are 4 levels higher so they have more experience.

did i get it right? :)

haha that makes sense :p Actually I was informed by [MENTION=9612]SallyG[/MENTION] that my original quote was confusing and kinda wrong and she gave me some other quotes by mark twain and others like it and this was by far my favorite one.

I think it just means they have more experience at being stupid and when arguing with a stupid person there's not much of a real argument going on so they are playing on their terms and will beat you with experience.

Happens ALOT on this forum and sometimes I am the stupid person as well but I thought it was sig worthy and helps me remember to not argue when I know what the outcome is gonna be. I do like your version alot more and it can make sense when arguing with 24s lol
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haha that makes sense :p Actually I was informed by [MENTION=9612]SallyG[/MENTION] that my original quote was confusing and kinda wrong and she gave me some other quotes by mark twain and others like it and this was by far my favorite one.

I think it just means they have more experience at being stupid and when arguing with a stupid person there's not much of a real argument going on so they are playing on their terms and will beat you with experience.

Happens ALOT on this forum and sometimes I am the stupid person as well but I thought it was sig worthy and helps me remember to not argue when I know what the outcome is gonna be. I do like your version alot more and it can make sense when arguing with 24s lol

It took you a year to know, not to argue with mongoloids?
Do I really need to answer this...? I think my post history sadly answers that pretty clearly for you :/

Your a slow learner (I am too in aspects of WoW ingame), but I applaud you for telling the truth.
So me telling someone they made a stupid post is taking it personal? Hunters have close to if not the most spells in this bracket and thats a fact. Wars and rogues have close to if not the least amount of spells in this bracket and that's a fact.. Please tell me how saying someone is stupid for calling a hunt easy to play while they main a war and rogue who don't have half the abilities a hunt has is personal?
More spells does not necessarily make a class harder to play. As it is in a Hunter's case. You also verbally abused the writer of the post regarding how easy Hunter's are to handle, obviously you were taking it personally.
More spells does not necessarily make a class harder to play. As it is in a Hunter's case. You also verbally abused the writer of the post regarding how easy Hunter's are to handle, obviously you were taking it personally.

Class thats avg with 5 moves
Class thats OP with 20 moves

If you really think the class with 20 moves is harder to play regardless of whether it's OP or not then I am arguing for no reason.. If you think
Considering all hunters are OP and it takes a 4 year old at max to wreck shit as a hunter, even if you're a noob, I'd say the best hunter is all hunters. Even if you're a pro hunter, it doesn't matter because all the noobs will wreck shit in pugs/premades too.
doesn't sound immature and generally stupid then good for you lol.. I do as well as other people. I guess phron and drama took it personal as well though lol.

See this is the time I read my sig :) and out of this troll bait thread I go!
Class thats avg with 5 moves
Class thats OP with 20 moves

If you really think the class with 20 moves is harder to play regardless of whether it's OP or not then I am arguing for no reason.. If you think doesn't sound immature and generally stupid then good for you lol.. I do as well as other people. I guess phron and drama took it personal as well though lol.

See this is the time I read my sig :) and out of this troll bait thread I go!

You are arguing with a mongoloid, you can generally tell after thier first troll attempt towards you.
You are arguing with a mongoloid, you can generally tell after thier first troll attempt towards you.

I know :/ I am still a slow learner but it only took me 2-3 replies this time instead of pointless arguing through a whole thread like it used to! I like to give entertainment to the lurkers out there and let them laugh cause I would say most of the time it is clear I am right and just feeding the troll in most of my arguements.

This most recent laugh is for all of you lurkers out there! <3

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