The Best Hunter in your Opinion.

Yes, I do.

A professional hunter can whipe the floor with noob hunters any day, but to non-hunters it doesn't matter since most of the time a hunter, regardless of skill level will beat them or get close to beating them any time. I didn't say at all that all hunters were idiots, hunters are just so OP that who cares if one's skilled when you're fighting them, it's -almost- the same outcome.

I have no problem with the professional hunters who've been hunters for a long time, they're cool. I just despise the hunters who are FoTM rerollers who can't play their class and still top the charts like a professional hunter.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. I don't like the Hunter FoTM-rolls either, but when you bash ALL hunters, everyone is going to take offense by that.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. I don't like the Hunter FoTM-rolls either, but when you bash ALL hunters, everyone is going to take offense by that.

I didn't mean to bash all hunters, but who the hell cares in a BG who's the best hunter? They'll all wreck shit up, even if the hunter's a noob.
I wish people would stop rolling hunters and making threads about hunters and qqing about hunters, and rerolling hunters and bragging about hunters and hating hunters and etc etc etc.

if they did wouldnt this place be alittle boring? like in movies when the main character gets anything he wants and everything is just smooth for him would you watch the movie? or if the main guy was teleported to another universe where he saw diferent versions of him self and he learned everything about the universe, all the laws and like everything and when he comes back to earth, the earth stopped moving when he left so it would be like ne never left, but this time he Became the smartest person on earth to live, he would make the earth a future civilization. Thank you who ever read this. ;)
haha that makes sense :p Actually I was informed by SallyG that my original quote was confusing and kinda wrong and she gave me some other quotes by mark twain and others like it and this was by far my favorite one.

I think it just means they have more experience at being stupid and when arguing with a stupid person there's not much of a real argument going on so they are playing on their terms and will beat you with experience.

Happens ALOT on this forum and sometimes I am the stupid person as well but I thought it was sig worthy and helps me remember to not argue when I know what the outcome is gonna be. I do like your version alot more and it can make sense when arguing with 24s lol

: D
Exactly Phillip, exactly.

I'm this rare species called 'Philip' - 1 L, 1 P - you may never see someone else like me, cherish every moment, friend.
I didn't read this at all, but it ain't a best-thread if it ain't got a Mialo in it.
Summary of entire thread:
Hunter class is OP
Many mongoloids play this class
There are some good hunters, but many have left

My opinion:
If you don't want to deal with unbalanced pvp you can buy the game, pay Blizzard what it is owed and do about 500x more things than your trial includes.

Tl;dr - Roll a hunter and wreck people, or buy the game and level to 90, or stop QQing.
It's hard to say because even the best hunters die a horrible death quite easily these days. So maybe the question is who is the best hunter with rejuv ticking on him or her.

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