The Best Hunter in your Opinion.

The best players of this bracket don't need verification to know they are good.. The best players know generally who the rest of the good players are through experience. Someone doesn't need to be on my friends list to be the best of ___ class and I don't even need to like them to know they are the best of their class. Alot of these listings are straight from friends list and are very tainted.

No need to make stupid threads asking for the best to just cause drama.. Do 50-100 bgs and you will see who the best in this bracket are and your opinion>everyone elses
The best players of this bracket don't need verification to know they are good.. The best players know generally who the rest of the good players are through experience. Someone doesn't need to be on my friends list to be the best of ___ class and I don't even need to like them to know they are the best of their class. Alot of these listings are straight from friends list and are very tainted.

No need to make stupid threads asking for the best to just cause drama.. Do 50-100 bgs and you will see who the best in this bracket are and your opinion>everyone elses

that is the truth.
Considering all hunters are OP and it takes a 4 year old at max to wreck shit as a hunter, even if you're a noob, I'd say the best hunter is all hunters. Even if you're a pro hunter, it doesn't matter because all the noobs will wreck shit in pugs/premades too.
Considering all hunters are OP and it takes a 4 year old at max to wreck shit as a hunter, even if you're a noob, I'd say the best hunter is all hunters. Even if you're a pro hunter, it doesn't matter because all the noobs will wreck shit in pugs/premades too.

you play a war and rogue who probably has the same amount of abilities combined as a hunt.. Please shut up about being ez lol cause you are making yourself look stupid
you play a war and rogue who probably has the same amount of abilities combined as a hunt.. Please shut up about being ez lol cause you are making yourself look stupid

That response actually makes you look stupid. Not anyone else.
That response actually makes you look stupid. Not anyone else.

Well, she was right.
Also, considering the post she was replying to claims;
"Considering all hunters are OP and it takes a 4 year old at max to wreck shit as a hunter, even if you're a noob"
"all the noobs will wreck shit in pugs/premades too."

I'd say she was in the right to call him out on making a mockery of himself. Everybody knows the difference between a great hunter and a terrible one - it is possibly one of the largest blatant skill-cap-esque transitions...
What Gublon said would be like saying "all holy paladins are idiots because they are one of the most faceroll classes"
Which is true. I have played 3 Hpals throughout the last few expansions.. But you can see the difference between an idiot playing one and somebody who knows how to play one, same goes with hunters.

On another note, two words, Protection Paladin.... Most ridiculously moronic class/spec in the bracket - yet they hardly ever are mocked. Interesting.
Not saying hunters' aren't easy to play. Cause' they are.

TL;DR: People mock hunters too much, when other classes are bad-worse.
Well, she was right.
Also, considering the post she was replying to claims;
"Considering all hunters are OP and it takes a 4 year old at max to wreck shit as a hunter, even if you're a noob"
"all the noobs will wreck shit in pugs/premades too."

I'd say she was in the right to call him out on making a mockery of himself. Everybody knows the difference between a great hunter and a terrible one - it is possibly one of the largest blatant skill-cap-esque transitions...
What Gublon said would be like saying "all holy paladins are idiots because they are one of the most faceroll classes"
Which is true. I have played 3 Hpals throughout the last few expansions.. But you can see the difference between an idiot playing one and somebody who knows how to play one, same goes with hunters.

On another note, two words, Protection Paladin.... Most ridiculously moronic class/spec in the bracket - yet they hardly ever are mocked. Interesting.
Not saying hunters' aren't easy to play. Cause' they are.

TL;DR: People mock hunters too much, when other classes are bad-worse.
No. She (as usual) took a post about how "easy" hunter's are to play, way too personal. Saying that they have more spells then a war and rogue combined(?) And that they are not easy to play.
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No. She (as usual) took a post about how "easy" hunter's are to play, way too personal. Saying that they have more spells then a war and rogue combined(?) And that they are not easy to play.

I'd really like to see all these "hunter-haters" play a hunter flawlessly. I'm not saying I do, but it sure is often on TI when mediocre players complain about how easy one class is... (nothing personal against you, Novacane).

Also, skill floor certianly doesn't equal skill ceiling.
I'd really like to see all these "hunter-haters" play a hunter flawlessly. I'm not saying I do, but it sure is often on TI when mediocre players complain about how easy one class is... (nothing personal against you, Novacane).

Also, skill floor certianly doesn't equal skill ceiling.
No offence taken.
you play a war and rogue who probably has the same amount of abilities combined as a hunt.. Please shut up about being ez lol cause you are making yourself look stupid

Considering I stopped playing my 24 rogue ages ago and say it often so people don't get confused, and the fact that hunters tear warriors apart, and also the fact that arms warriors aren't OP, just strong, you made yourself look stupid.

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