The Best Healer Class?

>Implying that there aren't other people in the BG who would kill you. You can't CC everyone at the same time!

IanStreamin - 10v10 level 20 premade - Twitch

Fast forward to 12:50 and listen to how many people say "feared"

proves my point beyond a shadow of a doubt if you ask me

died above tunnel and corpse rezzed and the whole time my team was going "izac what the heck are you doing" and I said "watch im about to pull a clutch corpse rez" and I did

yeah hpriest can CC real beautiful
. And who needs heals when you got bandages. So, your point is moot. Good day.

Good idea. Hunter is being attacked by a Feral Druid and a Balance Druid , he must use bandages or he will die .
Omg umadbro?! Hunter cant survive using bandages . Hunter= OP on damage , Hunter= OP survival against meeles , Hunter = UP Survival against ranged ... Please roll a resto druid if you want to heal a big number of allies at once or roll a Hpally if you want to heal 2 allies at once.
Hunter has better CC + better damage. And who needs heals when you got bandages. So, your point is moot. Good day.

Dislike. Yea cc good. But how the heck can bandage save you against 2 hitting you? Hunter best friend always a decent healer
Dislike. Yea cc good. But how the heck can bandage save you against 2 hitting you? Hunter best friend always a decent healer

Bandages don't have to save you against 2 targets, they are just for healing up that 200hp they managed to damage you for meanwhile you globalled the fuck out of them D:
it depends on the situation. I personally enjoy rsham they can do some hard hitting heals and their purge can counter druid and priests spells very well to help down the other healer. With windshear having a low CD allows for quick interupts. Also can give a nice boast to an already decent health ally.
I've seen some crazy healing put out by f2p resto druids, one did like 100k in a match I was in, name was Browly, seems like a good kid.
I think it was Growly, this Brazilian fella over at twinkinfo

he is living proof that even BRs with no keybinds can be successful at playing restoration druids.

What sill amazes me is how people even try to argue that 'healer X is better than druid '' or ''druid is underpowered and not broken'' is beyond me when druids heal for more, shift out of roots, can spread their retarded instant rejuv on everyone, and STILL do not run out of mana with their only weakness being p2p rogues
in a premade situation i would prefer a resto disc comp over double resto druid . priest bubbles have insane burst mitigation if the priest knows how to stay back. penance has the highest HPS of casted heals in the bracket and their flash heal is on par with a paladins only they don't go OOM in 40 sec .

in a pugging situation where nobody gets focused too hard and damage is really getting spread around a druid should always top healing done because ( assuming all of the healing from the spell occurs i.e. no over healing) rejuve has the highest HPS of any spell coming in at usually around 1k healing in combat when u account for a crit or two. would be interesting to see if healing done included absorbs in WOD cause then i could see a disc that just sits back and bubbles a lot topping heals ( too bad their cc gets shit on and they may not be very viable if not just for their pure healing aspect ) .

resto shamans . yeah they are tanky when you combine tyranny standard natures guardian and ancestral fortitude . i can hit 4.6k health on my shaman when i pop everything . but frankly when your heals barely do 320 and a single hunter forces you to only heal yourself to struggle not to die playing one is really frustrating. if you don't farm antivenome u have only racial abilities to help u get away from rogues and that sucks too . In a pre made an ELE shaman brings much more utility and u only loose the 10% health buff. so basically i don't recommend resto shaman.

paladins - the shear number of defensive cd's along with very very nice mobility and general tankyness makes these guys great. holy shock puts out very nice burst heals to mitigate offensive enemy burst but they OOM so fast without p2p enchants that playing one in long mid situations can be difficult if you are playing a pure healing role . the best imo balance as a hpally is to kindah play half way using denounce on big threats like the 24 frost mage that has your other healer frozen and happens to have 2 charges of FOF help out with spot heals via holy shock and what not but if you only heal in long situations u usually OOM and then your kindah screwed. ( farming the mana pots is a great way to combat this and make you much more viable) a lil spirit never hurt either.

- monks. Might as well put these in here as well . they have some utility with tiger lust but in most premade v pre made your dps will mostly be ranged. also your biggest heal is dispel able and believe me the other team will have at least one if not two ppl to purge it right off making ur heals near worthless. on the other hand hey if your team has enough hots and stuff to mix in on ur target that it takes real long to purge it why not . personally ill probably play a mw a lot in WOD if we get to make em .

so IMO
in puggs ( ppl are retorted don't peal for your and let hunters and rogue sit on your ass all day long )
druid> pally>=preist> shaman

preist >druid=pally > shaman

just my 2 cents
One thing to mention, is that priests are very slow.

Desperate Prayer and Angelic Bulwark are going to be level 15 talents?!? LOLOL! That is straight garbage.

WTB Level 30 talents—vroom! vroom!
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...priest bubbles have insane burst mitigation if the priest knows how to stay back. penance has the highest HPS of casted heals in the bracket and their flash heal is on par with a paladins only they don't go OOM in 40 sec...

just my 2 cents

That's worth way more than 2 cents! Great post.

One thing to mention, is that priests are very slow.

Priest mobility makes me sad. It really annoys me that PUG-mates run off out-of range while I'm casting. Disc in premade/tight group is awesome.

I don't get why Rejuv is instant, but Riptide has 6-sec CD. Would play resto shaman a lot more if CD was gone or reduced.

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