The Best Healer Class?

You consider Wrath, Moonfire, roots and Cat Form ?

okay maybe i exaggerated a little bit. but to consider wrath and moonfire real offense.....i mean come on. Cat form requires ramp up time to do anything significant and requires you to put yourself in a horrible position.
okay maybe i exaggerated a little bit. but to consider wrath and moonfire real offense.....i mean come on. Cat form requires ramp up time to do anything significant and requires you to put yourself in a horrible position.

i agree but, if any class is good at getting out of horrible positions it's druids.
i agree but, if any class is good at getting out of horrible positions it's druids.

while correct, it forces you to use an ability of some sort of CD to get you out of said position. most likely the opposition has had to use nothing to connect on you because of your position, they'll have some way to stick on you after your cooldowns.
My Restoration Druid can last roughly through the damage of two well geared F2P hunters. Not including their various interrupts, which would have to be juked to survive (or tanked, in the case of Scatter). Trying to move much at all will get you killed, and obviously you can never "escape" them both, unless you get extremely lucky or are positioned next to a Z-axis that you can wild charge over.

I've played both Druids and Paladins quite frequently in the bracket, and I would say that they both are viable from a solo perspective.

Resto Shamans are as well, I believe. They become even tankier than druids, in that they can heal while in their tanky form (Nature's Guardian and/or Astral Shift). However, I think Resto Shamans need to be ridiculously BiS to even match the "pure math" of under-geared versions of the other classes' healing and survivability.

Disc Priests, even full BiS, are extremely susceptible to getting globaled entirely due to their armor type. Frankly, Disc Priests have some of the best abilities for a level 20, and in f2p arenas they are the most prevalent healer. That being said, in a bracket of high physical DPS, they tend to fall by the wayside. Worth trying, but I recommend you bring a friend.
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For Disc, it's very easy to heal on Defense, or with good LoS / positioning. I've found that the worst place for me to be is behind everyone- the best is in the middle of my team. This is mostly because people aren't aware of what's around them and they're oblivious to what's behind them so they run away from heals or let me stay sapped lol.

I'm leveling a Rdruid (name: supdrood) on Aerie Peak alliance. I like HoTs, and think the different forms will allow me to be more versatile / around the BG.

I think I'll probably be making an Rsham at some point and probably then a DPS class. Thanks for all the replies by the way. Also, as for Disc priests - don't stick around another disc priest it pretty much makes your shield a pain in the ass / less useful.
Hpally for single-combat highest heals/defence.
Restro Druid for multi-combat heals and survivability.
Priest for flat out bubble.
Well Bubbles good, but so is Penance :)
I also like how Disc has two DoTs for stealthies, tendrils for melee and fear bombs.

Question- is a Stam stacked Holy Priest good as a CC spammer? Would this only be acceptable in premades or do you think it'd be useful in a pug? I only ask because a pug could lose out if a priest is holy and there isn't another healer or another good one.
Well Bubbles good, but so is Penance :)
I also like how Disc has two DoTs for stealthies, tendrils for melee and fear bombs.

Question- is a Stam stacked Holy Priest good as a CC spammer? Would this only be acceptable in premades or do you think it'd be useful in a pug? I only ask because a pug could lose out if a priest is holy and there isn't another healer or another good one.

I shy away from ever recommending Holy priests in a BG. Even in arena they are very niche and comp dependent. Everything about Discipline is essentially better.

That being said, a Holy Priest does have the ability to potentially be the difference between an FC kill against a turtle.

End of the day, improved healing, bubble, and damage from Discipline is going to be better 99% of the time.
My Restoration Druid can last roughly through the damage of two well geared F2P hunters.

Srly stop saying fake stuff on TI, i'm sick of those people making up fake set up to prove a point or something. On my undergeared hunt, i solo well geared druids. You are just talking about retarded hunt using steady shot at full Focus. 2 well geared hunt just rape you in no time, so please be realistic, no one cares about the two retarded jajas naked hunters you tanked one time in a bg....
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Find the class you enjoy, settle into it and learn its nuances. Dont ask for whats best this patch or next, just learn a class and you'll shine. Healing at the moment, is great for every class. Ofc its dependent on your team and its comp, but unless you plan on dueling and not bging, a question like this isnt needed.
Srly stop saying fake stuff on TI, i'm sick of those people making up fake set up to prove a point or something. On my undergeared hunt, i solo well geared druids. You are just talking about retarded hunt using steady shot at full Focus. 2 well geared hunt just rape you in no time, so please be realistic, no one cares about the two retarded jajas naked hunters you tanked one time in a bg....

Herp Derp. I was giving an accurate representation of what a geared druid can put out in heals. If you actually read my post, you'll see that I said:

"Not including their various interrupts, which would have to be juked to survive (or tanked, in the case of Scatter). Trying to move much at all will get you killed, and obviously you can never "escape" them both, unless you get extremely lucky or are positioned next to a Z-axis that you can wild charge over."

The post was to show tankiness + healing vs damage output. All you managed to say was "2 well geared hunt rape you in no time", which of course is not only an opinion and a hypothetical (which is what you asked me to avoid using), but also non-relevant to the thread. Which once again, is asking about the limits of certain healers given certain classes in the bracket.

In short, get stuffed.
healers keep people alive

sometimes the best way to keep people alive is making sure the other team cant do damage

the other team cant do damage when dpsers are CCed or dead

to make sure dpsers die you CC healers

if you want to CC everything u make an hpriest with dominate mind

therefore hpriest with dominate mind is the best healer

debate me bro

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