The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

Rhaetip #1 : When raid leader advises moving away from guards do so.


Seriously, the guards were avoidable we were just fighting right near them.

Lag was definitely a problem for me.
the guards were needed for security to keep the alliance in check, this was one of the best wpvp events ive had in a while
Please keep in mind not all of the people who showed up were planned to be there.

Aerie Peak has a lot of active horde right now. Word got out and people came. It was my mistake to try and control an event like this in the first place. You can't, not unless you pick certain people and tell them to keep their mouth shut.

Hope most of you had some fun and I hope the bad experiences you may or may not have had don't keep you from trying events like this in the future :)
We should definitely try again, I had fun regardless. :) Next time maybe CRZ to a server only the P2P grouping us decide on and try one of the great ideas from the awesome thread here: Lets Talk WPvP Events ;)
My hope is this is the first of many events!
so i got some videos of this anyone want to edit them cause i dont edit to well, and note i forgot the music would be a problem so i guess if anyone edits they'll have to remove the sound or else deal with pierce the veil in the background the whole time pm if you want the vids to edit and ill email them to you.
I had a lot of fun! Thanks for letting me join! Hit me up on ßurgspët if you ever wanna BG or anything!
I figured there was no harm in staying out of pvp combat and staying in stealth since I missed sign up! Was AMAZING tbh, even just watching, reminded me of the old Vanilla days!
Very educational on what works and what doesn't work, what environmental factors to look out for, etc.

The two biggest successes in my mind were these: One, the grouping and transporting process seemed to work very well. Cross-realming is definitely doable, and although I wasn't one of the P2Ps doing it, it seemed like it went very quickly and smoothly. Especially nice were the 2-person mounts that let us transport people to the starting locations. And two, the interest in the community for doing such events was overwhelming. Now that we know that the logistical concerns are manageable, we should be able to do events like this pretty regularly.

Rhae deserves a lot of credit for taking the risk of being the first to try such a large undertaking. I hope everyone had a good time and let's try to make this type of stuff happen as often as people are interested in doing it!
Just want to say - this was super fun. Especially the little fights outside the main pack of people. Looking forward to the next event!
I had lots of fun. Loved how both sides got to "win" at their own times! :D
Alliance had a slight disadvantage but w/e cant be perfect, right?!

Also, just want to let whoever was there at the docks trying to kill me (Sponsorx), that was awesome haha. sorry if i ruined your Screenie or something :(
-> I mount jumped in between docks and ground, so I was "Out of Sight" which made it impossible to hit me other than auto-attacks <3
Hopefully, this is just the beginning - as we do more of these events, the logistics will get better. I would definitely sign up again!
The two biggest successes in my mind were these: One, the grouping and transporting process seemed to work very well. Cross-realming is definitely doable, and although I wasn't one of the P2Ps doing it, it seemed like it went very quickly and smoothly. Especially nice were the 2-person mounts that let us transport people to the starting locations. And two, the interest in the community for doing such events was overwhelming. Now that we know that the logistical concerns are manageable, we should be able to do events like this pretty regularly.
The thing I was actually worried about. The grouping, I can't speak for alliance but for horde, on my end it was fairly easy.

I kind of *chuckle* left Brov hanging when he was asking me stuff, I was freaking out had like 10 tells. But it seems like alliance had it going pretty smoothly. I'm not even sure who ended up grouping on alliance. Earl wasn't even on, so I can't speak for them.

I gotta say thanks to (wanted to mention all the people who showed up but that would be impossible, you know who you are!) [MENTION=9499]Felix[/MENTION], [MENTION=8158]Shft[/MENTION], [MENTION=11758]Brovonlonski[/MENTION], [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION], [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2237]R Prime[/MENTION]. Drunk, not only helped group alliance by leading this whole mess but also seemed very enthusiastic and told me to stop freaking out (one of the many people to do so haha). Many thanks. glad to see that you could stay for awhile after grouping! I know I missed some people but I had to thank the ones I can remember!

Next event? Cross realm WPvP pirate RP? Hey, who knows!

Ye horde savages! Prepare for an arse kickin' in ye future! ARRRR! ;)
Had tons of fun, tried to lead the horde team, and let alliance regroup at times.

Was definitely a success for the first event of this type, thanks to everyone who came out and participated!

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