The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

If there is gonna be a 20v20 battle I would personally like no more then 6 healers each team and a 5 class limit for diversity.. You are going to have to set up rules or else we are going to see 10 prots or 10 healers and it just won't be that fun probably.
In regards to classes and any mention of OP, I ask the player to use their judgement. If you think you're OP, then feel free to play another toon but I don't want to tell people what to play.
I think the method she is using is probably the best, I have faith that the people who will be going will have good judgement… also just look at what we have on the list right now… 30% are locks (good thing I would think)

I think we can add some kind of objective to it other then just mindless killing unless the majority would rather just kill. The idea of a world pvp event was set up for 24s but fell through however you may possibly get some ideas from their thread. This sounds fun though and hopefully something that will spice this bracket up besides the boring bgs

Some kind of an objective would be nice… I am actually going to scout out potential ones right now and post them here…. xD
Is there any in game item someone can place down to be picked up/looted by another player? Item hide and seek could be an objective rather than just mass slaughter

i mayyybe available to play any faction and almost any class not 100% sure atdamoment
Some kind of an objective would be nice… I am actually going to scout out potential ones right now and post them here…. xD

Done, saw a couple of problems with the spot, and a few ideas. (Just throwing in my 2 cents take it or leave it)

I see a problem with fighting in the open, as well as fighting in the buildings, let me explain...

Fighting in buildings:

It seems like all of the buildings that I scouted where not that good for big reasons:

EIther they where to small, or they had near nothing in them (empty shells)

The best candidate for in building fighting:

View attachment 1843

This is the building that is the same model as the main building in Goldshire... except this has near no interior in comparison to the Goldshire one.

Besides it being relatively barren there is another small problem with it:

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The mailbox doesnt have any matterial to it, so there is no way to get to the roof unless a p2p transports you.

Fighting outside:

Its a very cool looking area, and there are plenty of places to los, not to mention that the mobs are mostly yellow, but that is the problem... some are not.

Dark Ranger's traverse the area, and there are even guards to the north side. They are only level 22 and have only 2.2k hp elites, but it is still a slight disadvantage to the alliance. (One place they do not traverse is the docks to the south)

Starting spot idea???

I was looking at the map and came up with what I thought was a potentially neat place to start the event off...

View attachment 1845

Basically both factions would start off at the base of the river in the Western Plaguelands (no mobs are present in the location) , and the objective is for both factions to follow the river down to the south unmounted (mounted is a possibility to) to reach Southshore. The faction that gets all their members to the location would win, and along the way fighting would be promoted. (Possibly have each faction start on a different side of the river)

Just a idea, take it or leave it.


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Is there any in game item someone can place down to be picked up/looted by another player? Item hide and seek could be an objective rather than just mass slaughter

i mayyybe available to play any faction and almost any class not 100% sure atdamoment

Unconscious Dig Rat best I can come up with for a f2p to drop, came to mind because I have one atm.

You guys always do this stuff on Saturday......


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Is there any in game item someone can place down to be picked up/looted by another player? Item hide and seek could be an objective rather than just mass slaughter

i mayyybe available to play any faction and almost any class not 100% sure atdamoment

Or even like "find the person" would be fun. Maybe a specific f2p from each faction both get hidden in the same location, they can't use self defense or be healed and have to have same health... first hidden f2p that is found and dies is the losing side. After they get killed you can rehide them and do it again

(best in Zul'gurub)
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I think it's really cool that people are coming up with objective ideas, because I was doing the same thing and talking to Rhae about them in PMs. I wonder if it would be a good idea to collect these ideas and write them down somewhere for future events so we don't forget? Some of the ideas above sound a lot like something I was throwing around too so it seems it would be something people were interested in.

I think Rhae said near the beginning that this was mostly just to break in the ideas of doing CRZ world events, and if this goes over well I have no doubt more will happen in the future so don't forget those ideas!
Also rhae the inviting won't be that tough. Normally for the raids I have like 5 different realms and it doesn't take any longer then 10 minutes if everyone is on and ready. I suggest updating the OP to tell people to be on 30 minutes early because if they are expected to come on they'll be on 5 minutes after and slow up inviting.

If there is gonna be a 20v20 battle I would personally like no more then 6 healers each team and a 5 class limit for diversity.. You are going to have to set up rules or else we are going to see 10 prots or 10 healers and it just won't be that fun probably.

I think we can add some kind of objective to it other then just mindless killing unless the majority would rather just kill. The idea of a world pvp event was set up for 24s but fell through however you may possibly get some ideas from their thread. This sounds fun though and hopefully something that will spice this bracket up besides the boring bgs
I had thought about objectives but it gets complicated rather quickly. It is my hope that this becomes a common thing in the near future but for now I want to keep it very basic. I'm already losing my mind over this, never organized an event like this, so lets just focus on having fun and keeping it simple this time :)

perhaps we could fight over southshores town hall or what not. there are some other fantastic places future events could take place such as...
1. Zul'Gurub in stv, large area with no npc's, mobs, etc and no high levs venture back there ever. lots of buildings and area for fun
2. Cael Darrow, the outer zone of scholomance in wpl, no mobs or anything near it and is a pretty nice fort
3. Gilneas is also a pretty cool zone
I love the idea of Gilneas, lots of cool places there. Cael Darrow could actually be a problem, with Scholomance becoming a level 90 heroic, people actually do go there now. Not too often I imagine but it would happen.

Done, saw a couple of problems with the spot, and a few ideas. (Just throwing in my 2 cents take it or leave it)

I see a problem with fighting in the open, as well as fighting in the buildings, let me explain...

Fighting in buildings:

It seems like all of the buildings that I scouted where not that good for big reasons:

EIther they where to small, or they had near nothing in them (empty shells)

The best candidate for in building fighting:

View attachment 1843

This is the building that is the same model as the main building in Goldshire... except this has near no interior in comparison to the Goldshire one.

Besides it being relatively barren there is another small problem with it:

View attachment 1844

The mailbox doesnt have any matterial to it, so there is no way to get to the roof unless a p2p transports you.

Fighting outside:

Its a very cool looking area, and there are plenty of places to los, not to mention that the mobs are mostly yellow, but that is the problem... some are not.

Dark Ranger's traverse the area, and there are even guards to the north side. They are only level 22 and have only 2.2k hp elites, but it is still a slight disadvantage to the alliance. (One place they do not traverse is the docks to the south)

Starting spot idea???

I was looking at the map and came up with what I thought was a potentially neat place to start the event off...

View attachment 1845

Basically both factions would start off at the base of the river in the Western Plaguelands (no mobs are present in the location) , and the objective is for both factions to follow the river down to the south unmounted (mounted is a possibility to) to reach Southshore. The faction that gets all their members to the location would win, and along the way fighting would be promoted. (Possibly have each faction start on a different side of the river)

Just a idea, take it or leave it.
The rangers and the slimes are nothing. If you're in a raid group this a minor risk, but I like the idea of having danger nearby, environmental hazards makes things interesting ;D

As I said before, I love the ideas and this is exactly what I want but too many ideas and the process becomes unfocused. We end up with a lot of ideas but none of us know how to put them into action. I'm not the kind of person to do something like this in the first place but I felt like it needed to be done!

We've tried this many times before, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. To me it seems like the problem arises with the endless possibilities come into play which like I said most of us can't manage or don't want to volunteer to manage and setup. When you volunteer, then it's on you! You gotta make it happen, you gotta decide and not many of us seem to want to do that, understandably.

I'm gonna add the recent posters to the lists then I think I'm gonna log off for the day. I'll be sure to check back tomorrow, of course :) But I think we should start another thread for discussion of future WPvP events, I want to kind of keep this thread clean and focused.
Or even like "find the person" would be fun. Maybe a specific f2p from each faction both get hidden in the same location, they can't use self defense or be healed and have to have same health... first hidden f2p that is found and dies is the losing side. After they get killed you can rehide them and do it again

(best in Zul'gurub)

we can turn this into a type of "F2Pboss" fight similar to AV just get a 2 BiS stam stacked prot warriors one for horde/alliance and the first side to down the other teams prot warrior wins.

then we'd simply reset and keep going until the first to 3 "F2Pboss" kills.

or we could do a time attack version of the same thing like in strand of the ancients where 1 team is on offence and the other is on defense, and however kills the enemy's designated tank in the shortest amount of time wins that round.
Sign me up

Quintos @ Whisperwind - Community - World of Warcraft (my hunt Quintos)

I can still join from Wissperwind right, because we are doing this in raid groups not just the plain crz zone rules.
If not i have an AP rouge horde but while he is dungeon BiS he doesnt have any boas.
If i cant bring my hunt for some reason ill bring him.
And pm if we need help grouping cause i have a p2p account i would rather just be grouped, but if no one else volunteers to group for horde i can

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