10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

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This is the "14-19 braket forum" and we are making a challenge to 10v10 on a "lvl 19" wotlk server.

We are just offering to play some 10v10 games with a very different playstyle without 25 minutes mid fight turtles.

Wotlk was the golden age for 19 twinking, 10v10 premades were hapening vey often on both EU and US, so we are just challenging any guild to experience it again.

There is a section for Private Servers, the other sections are created for talk about retail.

Stop living in the past.
talk aboot lost in '06

Wotlk is horrible and so is cyclone. I would rather watch Geordie Shore then get sheared after I just fake casted a shear.

Yes because wind shear cd is like 2 seconds right? Jk 6 seconds, you are just bad I guess

Arenas on retail are a compeltly joke as was seen on this 3v3 tourny and 10v10 games were 25 minutes mid fights always ending on ties

Wotlk was the best wow expansion overall and the best time for 19 twinking, you are probably a new cata or mop hero that didn’t even play or was terrible during wotlk
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Yes because wind shear cd is like 2 seconds right? Jk 6 seconds, you are just bad I guess

Arenas on retail are a compeltly joke as was seen on this 3v3 tourny and 10v10 games were 25 minutes mid fights always ending on ties

Wotlk was the best wow expansion overall and the best time for 19 twinking, you are probably a new cata or mop hero that didn’t even play or was terrible during wotlk

I've played since Vanilla. But of course every person who dislikes Wotlk must be a cata or MoP hero #logic . Arenas on retail are a joke, there is no arguing there, but to make out like wotlk arenas are some amazing thing is just stupid in itself. The server is fucking horrible so I have like 400+ ms. Arena is full with shamans and locks which are absolutely fucking retarded. I fake shears on my priest just to get sheared off my fake cast, again the server is shit but a 6 sec wind shear is not balanced at all. Wotlk gameplay is sludgy and mundane. Gulches are beyond horrible, ooming every 5secs with the most mana you can possibly stack. You can't predict burst, because there is no burst which makes it that much more boring. Essentially the only productive thing to do playing on a priest is spam dispel. Fun times. MoP in it's current state is far better than Wotlk. Not sure why you're here to convince people. No one honestly cares about a worse version of retail.
Yes because wind shear cd is like 2 seconds right? Jk 6 seconds, you are just bad I guess

Arenas on retail are a compeltly joke as was seen on this 3v3 tourny and 10v10 games were 25 minutes mid fights always ending on ties

Wotlk was the best wow expansion overall and the best time for 19 twinking, you are probably a new cata or mop hero that didn’t even play or was terrible during wotlk

On behalf of the rest of TI, please just fuck off.
Yes because wind shear cd is like 2 seconds right? Jk 6 seconds, you are just bad I guess

Arenas on retail are a compeltly joke as was seen on this 3v3 tourny and 10v10 games were 25 minutes mid fights always ending on ties

Wotlk was the best wow expansion overall and the best time for 19 twinking, you are probably a new cata or mop hero that didn’t even play or was terrible during wotlk

Once again I ask, please post in private server forums and stop insulting Myrm by trying to take activity away from retail when he just put so much into the bracket.

Not only are you being disrespectful & rude, you are calling the players of the "active" retail bad because they dont remember how the game works 4+ years ago. Now I do understand you guys are trying to get some games going on a server that is, in your eyes, the best thing possible but others have voiced their opinions that we would rather not.

Good luck to you and yours

Edit:everyone else said what I meant in much fewer words...I was just trying a different approach :)
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I was not intended to insult Myrm, I apologize to him if I did so, in fact I appreciate what he had done to get activity on this braket.

We come here for a different reason, to ask for some guild up to 10v10 us on a wotlk server, but as seen people prefer to trash talk rather than accept the challenge.
I was not intended to insult Myrm, I apologize to him if I did so, in fact I appreciate what he had done to get activity on this braket.

We come here for a different reason, to ask for some guild up to 10v10 us on a wotlk server, but as seen people prefer to trash talk rather than accept the challenge.

maybe do so in a new thread? just a suggestion
I was not intended to insult Myrm, I apologize to him if I did so, in fact I appreciate what he had done to get activity on this braket.

We come here for a different reason, to ask for some guild up to 10v10 us on a wotlk server, but as seen people prefer to trash talk rather than accept the challenge.

Do you really expect anyone to not trash talk when you and your fellow goons are derailing all the threads that are specific to retail 19s tournaments? Get a fucking clue, then make your own thread so that the rest of us are not subjected to your posts.
If you guys want to talk about your private server make it and talk about it in the right section please. If you guys keep interloping in threads that has nothing to do with your private server then consequences will follow.
If you guys want to talk about your private server make it and talk about it in the right section please. If you guys keep interloping in threads that has nothing to do with your private server then consequences will follow.

They just have to make a new thread in this section. Its previously been stated by mods in reference to Jadyn and his Molten threads.

On topic.... Enjoyed the tournament everybody

Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
So the new 19 guild tied the best 19 guild. Not bad. I wonder how it would be if the roles were reversed. Lets see those 19 skills put to the test on 90s!
You didn't see anything.
Damn, that's quite the leap from getting stuck at 1800. Sounds like Pizza tha God did some spring cleaning.
We come here for a different reason, to ask for some guild up to 10v10 us on a wotlk server, but as seen people prefer to trash talk rather than accept the challenge.

No one, I MEAN NO ONE cares about your WotLK sever. Most people round here won't remember you but I do. You wasn't any good when you was on AA, why would you be any different now?

You keep challenging people to come play u on your has been sever because you need the activity, that is all.

Now I challenge you! Come retail and I'll put a team up that will school you. If you can't handle that (we know you can't) go back to your own section.
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