10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

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They came talking shit though lol.

TSN came talking tons of trash and could only manage to tie the "Best" or whatever 19 guild.. after getting knocked into losers by SR.

Ur 90 doesnt mean shit, if you really think getting the flag ninja'd is some rare thing that happens, YOU ARE A NEWB, OK?

Whoever the rogue was for TSN was bitching, on stream, about that like it was some fluke, OH HE NINJAD MY FLAG, THAT SHOULDNT OF HAPPEND/NEVER HAPPENS.

That really makes me question how good or how long uve even been playing this game lol. Fuck ur 90 lol. cata spawn
I agree with everything Darfs said other than the hopefully they move on, I hope they stick around and realize the fun that can be had in a twink bracket. That it is a different kind of skill to play at this level.

They came talking shit though lol.

TSN came talking tons of trash and could only manage to tie the "Best" or whatever 19 guild.. after getting knocked into losers by SR.

Ur 90 doesnt mean shit, if you really think getting the flag ninja'd is some rare thing that happens, YOU ARE A NEWB, OK?

Whoever the rogue was for TSN was bitching, on stream, about that like it was some fluke, OH HE NINJAD MY FLAG, THAT SHOULDNT OF HAPPEND/NEVER HAPPENS.

That really makes me question how good or how long uve even been playing this game lol. Fuck ur 90 lol. cata spawn

Also keep in mind that flag ninjas are a rare thing for 90s, most of the time survival and flag passes are not as hard to accomplish as they are at 19 with rogues/druids who have mastered the art of returning the flag, fast clicks and great, to quote hunnybuns, Situational Awareness
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Yah I mean saying someone got ddos'd because they don't have protection so they deserve it, is like saying a woman getting raped deserves it because she didn't protect herself.
It's really stupid and childish.
I'm really disappointed it was such a problem here.
I know how pizzas team feels. Before I was proxied at end game I would go offline every other game.
And it wasn't for a short amount of time. I was gone for a while.
it really sucks.
Its just the unfortunate nature of the beast, more exposure requires stronger countermeasures.

The metaphor involving the woman getting raped isn't a true representation of the situation. It's more akin to some ViP/celeb going into a club solo and getting his ass kicked for mouthing off to some jabronies. Anyone who hears about that is going to say "yo Floyd, that's why you pay the entourage".
Yah I mean saying someone got ddos'd because they don't have protection so they deserve it, is like saying a woman getting raped deserves it because she didn't protect herself.
It's really stupid and childish.
I'm really disappointed it was such a problem here.
I know how pizzas team feels. Before I was proxied at end game I would go offline every other game.
And it wasn't for a short amount of time. I was gone for a while.
it really sucks.

The real problem is that most twinks have never played end game at any level and therefore don't even have the impetus to protect themselves. Anyone who has played past 2300 on any big realm will know how to proxy themselves, will have multiple Skype's etc. There's just no way after a few days of not being able to get online that you wouldn't do that.

Does SR really have ZERO high rated end game players? Because if I was playing for money I would definitely be telling every person on my team that they better have a proxy up. Hell I even talked to HB, Living and a few others about it when they were talking about this tourney FOR MONEY. How was this not an obvious concern?

Yeah, sure, a girl walking into an alley at night doesn't deserve to be raped. That doesn't make her not an idiot for going alone into an alley at night in the first place. It just makes her an undeserved idiot.

FINALLY - why the hell are the 90s even responding to the 19 trash (not all 19s, but we all know who the chafe are)? Like come the fuck on. Have some respect for yourselves. You don't see Kobe defending himself against the Tumblr all-stars do you?
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I don't really agree with this, and it's fucking sad that this DDoS plague has found its way to our bracket. You can't fault someone for getting hit while not having DDoS protection just the same way you can't fault someone for getting shot in the face while walking down the street without wearing a full suit of protective gear.

The issue isn't people failing to enable protections against this, the issue is sociopaths who have nothing better to do with their time than screw up the experiences of the people around them.

Don't put the blame on the people who have to deal with this shit, put the blame on the slime that thinks it's fun pull this crap.
Your analogy is pretty terrible. The risk of getting DDoS'd in an online tournament is way higher than getting shot at on the street (at least in most areas). Especially because it had been brought up prior to the tournament in this very thread.

Saying you had traveled to a third world country without typhoid vaccination and got infected is more accurate. Do you deserve it? No. Are you at fault? Definitely.

They came talking shit though lol.

TSN came talking tons of trash and could only manage to tie the "Best" or whatever 19 guild.. after getting knocked into losers by SR.

Ur 90 doesnt mean shit, if you really think getting the flag ninja'd is some rare thing that happens, YOU ARE A NEWB, OK?

Whoever the rogue was for TSN was bitching, on stream, about that like it was some fluke, OH HE NINJAD MY FLAG, THAT SHOULDNT OF HAPPEND/NEVER HAPPENS.

That really makes me question how good or how long uve even been playing this game lol. Fuck ur 90 lol. cata spawn

Some of then talked shit, some of them didn't. Some of them raged, some of them didn't. No need to act like all of them were d*cks.
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Tbh both of you guys are subpar fcs.
None of you compare to somerat the best FC to ever play the game.
He's perfect. Undefeated. 103 - 0. The best anyone has ever seen.
If he was around you guys wouldn't of stood a chance.
He would run miles around you. He's someone 12 year olds watching streams want to be.
Even bailamos himself wants to be him.
Both of you should strive to be Somerat.

Someratx @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft

You will be missed Kyle.

jrbigchief is the best fc in wow
but honestly you bascially described jrbigcheif, no troll hes the best no compettition,
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Your analogy is pretty terrible. The risk of getting DDoS'd in an online tournament is way higher than getting shot at on the street (at least in most areas). Especially because it had been brought up prior to the tournament in this very thread.

Saying you had traveled to a third world country without typhoid vaccination and got infected is more accurate. Do you deserve it? No. Are you at fault? Definitely.

You're just being pedantic at this point, the principle of the matter still stands.
Those who are complaining should stop, by signing up in the tournament you accepted the consequence and possibility of not having your way. All in all the games were very enjoyable to watch on the streams. Kudos to Myrm for organizing this tournament, and kudos to those who streamed the games; allowing all of us to "participate" in the games.
Why is anyone still bitching? The tournament was a pretty big success.


From my outside/limited perspective: People seem to have forgotten the point of the tournament, which was to create competition/generate activity in a bracket that's been in a slow decline for a few years now. Its time to put your egos aside and just be thankful to Myrm and everyone who helped make this event possible. Otherwise its just a slap in the face of the people that made this event possible as well as spoiling all of the good things that came out of this event. A little disappointing that some people can't look past the outcome of the Twink Cup to see the overall benefits which are more important at least to someone that truly cares about the bracket..
Ok, I guess my turn to write a big wall of text no one else is going to read.
When I first heard of this tournament I was really excited that I could get some of my buddies to play with me
in a bracket that I had fun in before. Some of my friends rub off on others in not such a pleasant way.
The day I hit 19 I was talking to some tinkers about the team I was trying to put together and we had people rooting us on
to take down Pizzas team as they've always been a strong force at 19.

Well when my friends hit 19 they decided to trash talk others for no reason at all (idk why).
It was unnecessary and I would of rather us just been under the radar the whole time.
I remember when pizza heard about us he was armorying our toons on stream to actually make sure it was us. I mean he knew we were good, and had respect for us at 90. He had all our streams followed. And I respected him from 19s.

It's sad that we can't all be friends because of what a couple people said. I legit have fun here. ^_^
At the end of the day, I'm glad we came, but if we could do it over I would. GGs to SR to be the only team to put up a fight against us. 90 experience doesn't = success at 19 entirely.

And remember, If you like the stream follow the stream.
If you don't like the stream follow the stream.


remember john cena 2014.

Damn...I enjoyed the hell outta this stream!!
i dont know if the 90s could be rank 1s for 19s even if they played more some 19s i believe would be able to give them a run for there money at 90s if they took it as serious as 19s but GG's to bad i didnt get to see any of the games and im even more sad i didnt get to play maybe next time someone has one. sounded like a awsome event to be apart of. Thank you mrym
Great tournament overall. Even though I did not get to participate (RIP my MW being alliance and attending a manchester city game), watching the games was extremely fun. Even though the final did not turn out the way anyone would have liked, their was still many good games (and much hilarity) that occured throughout this tournament. My parents asked why I was laughing so hard when I was watching the first TSN/SR game, so I let them watch it. Fucking Most Epic Commentary Ever. My parents don't even play wow and they thought it was great! :p

ps: Quotes of the tournament
"Is it safe?"
"No, you are out of stealth right next to me, what the fuck are you talking about"
"No, I meant the rogue"
The alliance flag has been dropped!
The alliance flag has been returned to the base by Zeiren!

*Mass Anger/Disbelief*
I fell out of my chair^ scared the shit out of my cat. Sorry kitty :(
I would just like to chime in and say that Druids have been FCing in the 19 bracket since 2005 and that running a Druid FC in this tournament was nothing new or innovative.

Also, I find it funny to see people bitching about 20 minute turtles when premades in this bracket used to take upwards of 2 to 3 hours of kiting defenses and shenanigans.

Hats off to Myrm for running the tournament, as well as everyone who competed.

i'm a sergeant with scout's tabard +1 all stats 5 digit steam account
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