Summer Real ID Premade Nights!

Bumpin and shit yo
Still suprised that for the horde roster of all things that are open is a hunter slot.. :p
Horde please contact me on filling last 3 spots! Will return home tomorrow to check with alliance teams! If alliance does not have teams, never fear! the horde teams will play each other via wargames! Let's start the games on a strong note! -HB
After messing with wargames for a while, Warsong Gulch wargames does work! I have played 3 games on my Mage with my guild mates in Rooftop and friends. horde will be playing each other through this style to get the games going. This can also be used when queuing horde vs alliance as long as leaders are on same server next to each other.
Did you guys actually cap flags and win games when testing this? Last time I tried this with my guild about 5 people almost leveled from wargames with exp on. This was a while back however.
I went in on my Mage who is one xp from leveling and was fine. No experience from caps or when the game was won. It looks like blizzard has finally come through for the twinking community, with this system you can immediately get games going rather than syncing 4 groups which makes premades in this real ID fashion an easy no brainier choice
I went in on my Mage who is one xp from leveling and was fine. No experience from caps or when the game was won. It looks like blizzard has finally come through for the twinking community, with this system you can immediately get games going rather than syncing 4 groups which makes premades in this real ID fashion an easy no brainier choice
still hard to beleive u risked that at one xp...

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