Summer Real ID Premade Nights!

Horde pm me on Twink info (date of premade followed by character name-class-spec) and Ally pm Brown on Twink info
Many spots open for horde (date june 9th). Private message me on Twink Info to claim your spot, list will be posted soon! Remember, mail is in format "date (6/9) Character name-class-spec" :p can't say it enough! Bump for Games :)
Yo This shit is dope sign up and shit yo
Horde Roster has been updated for week 6/9! Spots are still open for games! Send me a private message to claim your spot!
bump my group needs warrior (arms), and mage (frost)
*only need an arms warrior for the 1st game until i get home!
rejen whenever u can get in LSFTW vent w/ me and HB
Hunter mage lock Warrior spots still open for Horde (week 6/9)
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Brown has informed me that he does not have an account on TI due to banning or something. You will need to add him to your real id. You also need to post on this thread class, name , server so we can arrange games. I have YET to be contacted about real id games besides my guildies. Ally needs to step up and contact your game leaders.

brown real id info mikehine20 at yahoo dot com
Alliance contact Brown through his realid ( for invite to the games! Bump!

Due to Lack of sign up for first week horde is using more than 3 guildies at this point to fill spots. This can and WILL BE CHANGED if more people sign up to play! (please send me mail through twink info to claim spot). Would like to see more people from Bleeding Hollow come play :)
bump this shit! come on ally pull your shit together and fling it at horde!

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