It's never going to end when the only players who favor containment over a flourishing bracket are those who only play the bracket 2 months a year.
If 10-19 dies out, they hop to their 20-29 toons or 30-39 toons or take a break.
Same issue.
Same people.
Same result every time.
We all know that gy farming isn't helping us get pops. We all know that people naturally quit when they get gy farmed game after game. We all know that if we had different intentions to enter the gulch with we could have a very active bracket with many guilds premading each other. The team who's being farmed doesn't have an opportunity to overcome the illusion of competition.
The issue is that these people simply don't care. No matter what bracket they farm they could care less about activity.
The argument that these people are looking for competition and suggesting the opposition "step their game up" to counter gy farming is completely invalid.
Here is why:
If people whom roll the most powerful class/specs as a group tell the PUGs to be more competitive and create a challenge out of nowhere, they are being completely hypocritical. If they argue that they are "looking for competition" they are completely incorrect if they truly believe that's what they are doing.
If they were really seeking competition, they would be gimping themselves to lower themselves to the level by which the majority of the community operates upon. Clearly if 4 people enter a match of 20 players and these 4 people run the show and gy farm the opposing team singlehandedly, they are not matching the level of competitive attitudes found outside their own group and therefore are not looking for competition. They can be looking for a challenge as powerful as they appear to be (although everyone knows they will not find said challenge, and if they do they will evade the challenge)
If by the slightest of chances does a team group queue and the stars align with class composition, the people causing the issues just afk out anyways upon death... or they don't stay in the game long enough to see a loss.
There are no new words on the GY farming issue. I wasted countless hours back in 2011 providing every counter argument anyone could ever desire and providing every argument that creates a flourishing bracket that favors growth in our community.
When the community could care less about growth and activity, the few who do care find more rewarding things to do with their time.