no thats being bias/optionated
No, you are delusional because you allow your personal bias to cloud any form of reasonable judgment. Even after I explained that I did not intend my observation to be construed as an insult you proceeded to immediately jump on defensive rather than taking the time to think out what I actually meant and was trying to convey. It wasn't meant as a personal attack so I would ask that you reread what I wrote with that in mind.
I didn't say that you were stupid because you didn't agree with me. I stated that I find it intellectually distasteful to broadcast an opinion about how bad a person is for the community when you literally have not brought up one solid point as to why Clari has such a negative impact on the community. It seems like there is a lot of personal strife and conflict between the you and Clari, but you seem to be the only one that has been unable to explain your thinking.
You can keep trying to manipulate my message into whatever misguided context you wish, but again, you are only making yourself look childish, silly and without a doubt, insecure.
You seem a lot like Clarification.
You seem a lot like Clarification.
Didn't you quit because you said you didn't have the time to play?
Yes, playing detective.And... am I playing?
Yes, playing detective.
Tell me more.Not really hard to track multiple people who use the same account.
Not really hard to track multiple people who use the same account.
xlmaOe you are so lost haha(.)
ediT: and why would I use someone's account rather than my own?
People feel the need to come up with personas, it's human nature to wear "masks".
Also what happened to the well spoken, punctuationally and grammatically correct Karmaz?
You must be new here.
Karmaz has been doing that forever, xlmaOe could even be considered as one of his trademark "phrases". Feel free to go through his post history to confirm.
edit: Still waiting for more information on the multiple people I have become by now.
People feel the need to come up with personas, it's human nature to wear "masks".
Also what happened to the well spoken, punctuationally and grammatically correct Karmaz?
I didn't know that a person had to always present themselves in the same manner no matter the situation or context.
Perhaps communication through text is a little more transparent by typing with capitals in random places and using coined catch phrases which can help differentiate sarcasm and other nonverbal queues. I find this makes one of the worst forms of communication to become a little more bearable and aids in the understanding by users and readers.
When I am typing something a little more casual I tend to disregard most punctuation rules as sometimes they can be misinterpreted.
I'll give an example:
1) hey, lets meet up
This seems a little more friendly, casual and less direct
2) Hey, let's meet up.
This seems like the matter is more serious by setting a tone of professionalism
Although both say the same thing, they can mean very different things. On the other hand they could both mean the exact same thing and the person writing like Ex.2 always writes this way no matter the circumstance. It is all situational and contextual, I just try to differentiate between the two to make my intentions less likely to be misinterpreted.
No, that is arguing semantics.
By the way, you still have yet to addressed any of the issues that have been brought to the table.
Dont see why i have to prove myself
Good Day.
I mean sure you don't have to.
It just makes you look ridiculous and insecure about your own beliefs due to you not thinking its worth the time to back them up nor even making an attempt in explaining why you think the way you do.
If you don't want to explain yourself to me, thats fine, but for your own mental health it might be a good idea to flush out your thoughts and logic. Maybe someone can relate.