Better make sure that bucket does not have holes in it!
To that note, we are working with the ESA on the Orion.
We work with the former Soviets on many projects. The space shuttle docked at Mir. In the 90's Russians wore US space suits.
Going back into the 70's Apollo and a Soviet Soyuz docked and the crews shook hands.
Lest we forget ISS... It has the US, Russia, ESA, Canada and Japan. Imagine the engineering involved to bring all these parts together. (Think of putting Honda/Ford/Mercedes/Alfa Romeo/Renault etc car part and cobbling them into a working vehicle). A Honda wheel does not fit on a Ford truck... Alfa Romeo hood won't fit a on a Mercedes. Imagine all the planning and the design work involved...And getting all these alpha minds and personalities into cohesiveness. What a task!