So this bracket is just completely dominated by hunters again or....?


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Implying that you had two good games out of how many? I'm not saying you are bad, but when you see two druids with over 10 death's you begin to question their skill/gear. Also notice how enemy team didn't have more than 1 hunter each game. Again I'm not saying you are bad, but I'd like to see you pull those KDRs vs a team of at least 3-4 good geared hunters followed up by decently geared resto druids, prot/holy palas. Seems a lot harder right? Problem is those classes are the most popular atm.

P.S also you are not an f2p.... so considering the gear/extra abilities you'll have it a lot easier.
P.S 2, checked their gear - 7/10 of that team had trash gear......
Where's the thumbs down button on this thing?

What is the obsession with people wanting a dislike button? Just click what you like and don't click what you dislike. The dislike button on Youtube already causes plenty shitstorms. Now imagine that on Facebook/Twitter or any forum. Hell, we already get plenty shitstorms without a dislike button.
Damn, it's like people can't see a joke without an emoticon.
Not only is it the internet, people are being ambiguous as well, with their "jokes". At this point, the thread is hilarious because so many people take their words so seriously.

Anyone should be able to see that the 20-24 bracket is a joke. WoW is not a game for skill unless there's arenas.
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