So I herd EU tinkers need moar threads, so tell me who are the beste

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I am pretty sure you are a man that is able to reason and I don't know your backgrounds but if you played before cata(I don't know if you played and you probably could have played before it) compare it todays twinking you have to admit it this is just a sad version of what twinking used to be
Mana system is fucked, you never go OOM you can never punish healers 'cause they always full mana healing anything that loses any HP,
dodge nerfed,resistances removed and other such factors nerfed/removed, you can full heal yourself with an insta heal or burst someone down with 1 spell et cetera everything is pathetic compared to what it used to be

And why does a so skilled person like you need to use lagmacros?
You played hcl for once then quit doesnt prove anything mate, get on hcl now and compare the amount of spells you'll see that i am right
I've played HCL, took a break during wrath though.

barely no difference, cata for instance offered lots more of spells
lol azol u told me "dude hurry up i gotta go soon i alrdy dcd the real owner of this acc", and if ur as good as u believe, dont u think a priest v priest duel will last long?

when i played in wotlk noone gave a shit and that was the real reason why it was good, had nothing to do with spells etc just with the attitude of players, i was completely clueless back in late bc and all i did was q with 9 others to gyfarm (bosz will know lol), but then again i was 12 at the time
lol azol u told me "dude hurry up i gotta go soon i alrdy dcd the real owner of this acc", and if ur as good as u believe, dont u think a priest v priest duel will last long?

when i played in wotlk noone gave a shit and that was the real reason why it was good, had nothing to do with spells etc just with the attitude of players, i was completely clueless back in late bc and all i did was q with 9 others to gyfarm (bosz will know lol), but then again i was 12 at the time

BOSZ APPROVES OF GYFARM L00L eu good times eu
What kind of irl problems do you have? how many times have I told you to do that duel on hcl but no you try to troll me because i mention hcl. Retail does not require any skill at all, on retail you can just spam 1.5 sec heals and never go oom. And btw what is your problem with me? You are trying to flame me 24/7, I do not even know you and you do not know me so stop talking shit about me to every real id friend you have on wow or spam broadasts everytime you see me in a bg. It's really immature man..
lol azol u told me "dude hurry up i gotta go soon i alrdy dcd the real owner of this acc", and if ur as good as u believe, dont u think a priest v priest duel will last long?

when i played in wotlk noone gave a shit and that was the real reason why it was good, had nothing to do with spells etc just with the attitude of players, i was completely clueless back in late bc and all i did was q with 9 others to gyfarm (bosz will know lol), but then again i was 12 at the time
one of you guys said be4 mop was no skill becuase of lack of spells? lol

first of i'm just staing that what you said wasen't entirely correct - we has as many if not more spells back in wrath. second - mop aint cata, and lost spells in mop aswell ^^ just correcting that - you are free to have your own opinien about the amounts of spells connection to skill
ye this might be abit random but here is my list:

Warrior: Thai, Baldi

Rogue: Red, Nick, Imnot, Massakra

Holy: Phonebook, Junno, Stubs, Isa, Histeria
Prot: Bpar, Meloh

Balance¨: Vianco, Vladar
Feral: Stubs, Ceec

Hunter: Boalol

Priest: Bubu, Hurrx

Shaman: Ridwane

Lock: Leichenleger

Mage: Vianco, Xehedakigam, Kewi

But don't let me interrupt you, keep on flaming...
lol im flaming u

u came here to bash lejn for listing himself in his list and im immature

only reason why i troll u is cus ur easier to troll than ownaque, im not the one taking everything seriously, u are, sad part being that u dont even understand it lol
this is silly, i played all of wrath so can you tell me who these god like unbeatable ppl are?

its gone get over it, it aint EVER coming back.

inb4 we're kkings of hcl, ofc you are, no one else as played 3.3.5 in 4 years and you lot are jerking on it 24/7. silly people are silly.
first of i'm just staing that what you said wasen't entirely correct - we has as many if not more spells back in wrath. second - mop aint cata, and lost spells in mop aswell ^^ just correcting that - you are free to have your own opinien about the amounts of spells connection to skill

are you claiming mage, for instance, had more spells in wotlk? and I were only quoting your guildie lol
Mate the 19 community is only full of new school people saying they have been playing tbc/wotlk but they dont know shit about any1. I am pretty sure you have never been playing on the bracket cyclone or misery there all good twinks used to be before they moved to blackout and slowly stoped playing one by one. And btw these "god like unbeatable" players quit, all of them and I cba to mention names when you dont even know who they are, probably "heard" about them but you cannot really say that you know if they are bad or good if you never seen them playing..
this is silly, i played all of wrath so can you tell me who these god like unbeatable ppl are?

its gone get over it, it aint EVER coming back.

inb4 we're kkings of hcl, ofc you are, no one else as played 3.3.5 in 4 years and you lot are jerking on it 24/7. silly people are silly.
Mate the 19 community is only full of new school people saying they have been playing tbc/wotlk but they dont know shit about any1. I am pretty sure you have never been playing on the bracket cyclone or misery there all good twinks used to be before they moved to blackout and slowly stoped playing one by one. And btw these "god like unbeatable" players quit, all of them and I cba to mention names when you dont even know who they are, probably "heard" about them but you cannot really say that you know if they are bad or good if you never seen them playing..

y u are very cool we got that now, can you stop posting now your quite annoying?
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