Simplified PTR 10.1.5 Patch Notes for 20s

Getting to play your old 60's again was understandable shoot even the gear wasn't much better.
The only usable things Im really left with was Scarab Brooch, Linkins Boomerang and an Ironfoe and BoED with Hurricane on them that got scaled up. If they fix legendaries you could count my DKs HoR/TF I guess but yeah, because the old gear hasnt been scaled up Im not sitting on too much thats relevant. Would love to see D2/T0.5 put to ilvl 74/100 for me just because the gear set still procs
So it is official, July 11 is the date.

Cross-realm trading and UI changes added


    • Players will now be able to trade items and gold directly to characters on other realms in their region. Previously this was limited to things like conjured items or eligible raid/dungeon loot, but all those cross-realm restrictions will now be lifted. Play with your friends and trade whatever you want to whoever you want!
  • Added an option to replace player portraits with class icons under Options > Interface > Display.
  • Added a way to report players in the Crafting Order pane for inappropriate order notes.
  • Updated the ring art around role icons.
  • Updated the art on various popup frames, including ready check.
cross realm trading, wow. this likely means that AH will also be region wide, or "effectively region wide"

i don't play the AH anymore but wow, this changes the economy completely. more supply and more demand overall, way harder to create monopoly on end game BoEs (think about reagents now). there will be more price wars due to gold farmers competing for liquidity, this brings the prices down. there will be more whales (who aren't afraid to spend the gold cap to create monopoly on something), this will bring the prices up. interesting to see what will happen!
Would be awesome to see 20s revived with a few adjustments like restricting 20s from grouping to encourage randomness to BGs or arenas.

I love the change to cross realm trading since there were so many times I wanted to give items to others and though I only spent a short time with 20s, was genuinely so fun and I like others knew 29s would kill it but many swapped to 29s as soon as they were the best option (which is fine as it's their gameplay experience) & directly killed a wonderful bracket aside from the toxics - competition is healthy of course.

I would fully support any article or post or voting option to return 20s to XPon with some adjustments or just let 20s play against each other. Trust that all are well.
I remember when they made the AH so both factions can list items, I was so happy about how much easier it was to xfer gold. I accidentally sent mail to the wrong char and learned you could send your own horde/alliance alts gold/items, lol. Was so happy about my discovery. I was using my wife's account to buy out weird items from the AH with a weirder price.... Fast forward to this region wide trade change lol... yikes?! woohoo?!

Will this help gold botters or harm their methods?! Is this another boneheaded-dolt move (like real names used on the forums/btag) or did they just hit a homerun?!
Will this help gold botters or harm their methods?! Is this another boneheaded-dolt move (like real names used on the forums/btag) or did they just hit a homerun?!

On almost any server, gold botters consistently had the ability to price commodities lower than players who farmed those commodities legit, especially those that used bots to farm commodities instead of player’s time.

This change allows those gold botters a larger market to use their advantage.

Much like how more open/global markets in real life allows national or international companies to grow larger and yield more stress for smaller businesses they compete with for market share (an also concentrate wealth/market-power/etc. in doing so).
Although I’d also be careful about getting ideas from real life (like I did) to answer this, as some laws (and tax structures) can be (an have been) made to yield larger relative advantages for larger corps than otherwise. Which isn’t a thing in WoW (to my knowledge).
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A pleasant boost comes live this week :p (kinda surprised there is nothing for hunters lol).

Brewmaster Monk
  • Ability damage increased by 7%.
  • Rising Sun Kick and Blackout Kick damage increased by 20%.
  • Tiger Palm and Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox damage increased by 50%.

Mistweaver Monk
  • All spell and ability damage increased by 10%. Does not apply to PvP combat.

Enhancement Shaman
  • Stormstrike and Windstrike (Ascendance Stormstrike) damage increased by 20%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Lava Lash damage increased by 20%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Ice Strike damage increased by 20%.
  • Maelstrom Weapon trigger rate increased to 20% (was 16%).

Restoration Shaman
  • All spell and ability damage increased by 10%.

More here.

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