Have shoulders and enchant in high level character bags. Open trade window with your twink. High level starts to use the enchant on shoulders. Press okay button that says will make this item bop. As the enchant bar is going, put the shoulders in the trade window. Press trade on twink character. Right as the enchant is about to finish press trade on high level character. If done right the enchant will apply and the twink will recieved the item traded. If done too quickly it won't work and you can try again. If done too slowly your high level character will have to keep the item as it is now bound to that character. That's how I did it. Took three tries on practice items before I made it work. Maybe there is a way you can increase your ping so the window of opportunity is longer, I'm not sure. I have two accounts and two monitors so it wasnt hard to do all this by myself. Good luck