I didn't mean a stay at home dad section... that's old newskek....
There is one...
I didn't mean a stay at home dad section... that's old news
Lmao....... what?Oh, the section YOU have access to?
Lmao....... what?
Apparently you're not as good of a troll as you think you areApparently you are not as smart as you think you are.
Everything in moderation, including moderation, said Oscar Wilde, Socrates, or possibly Spock.
I do think a forum needs moderators because I know what kind of posts can crop up from time to time. Spam, scamming, personal photos, etc. need to be removed.
I'm not sure how respectable a forum on WoW twinking needs to be, I'm not going to vote because I don't like the poll wording. Respectability aside, I think the tone of the place ought to be a compromise that most users can just feel comfortable discussing twinking in, and I think that realistically falls somewhere in the middle between the two extreme positions of "we want all the swearwords and burn the mods" and "but think of the children!" - sorry for the polemic.
So what would be nice is a team of mods achieving this. I thought the current team was doing great, and Myrm is a great site owner, but I admit I've only been skimming the site now and then and would have missed most content that got deleted.
Anyway, I personally dislike the approach to moderation that involves deleting a lot of content too often or using permanent bans too soon. I think sometimes moderators just need to mediate a bit more instead of deleting, participate in arguments, and most importantly communicate within the mod team to make sure people make the same kind of decisions. It was a super annoying feeling to give someone a light warning and come back next day to see that someone else has perma-banned them or banned someone else for the same affront. I think that is a problem that isn't happening anymore?
So as I said I think a good mod team needs consistency and for that they need to communicate, which is why there's a staff forum, which I hope is being used more nowadays.
You're probably not going to get no mods at all, so be happy with lenient mods who have a sense of humor, and if you see them being too heavy handed, try to convince them of their error, I guess? I thought the rule of never discussing moderator's actions with the site users was really silly. I hope it's not being enforced anymore.
There's no harm at all in telling people why something had to be deleted or edited in a post in the thread. And nothing wrong with people asking if they don't get a decision. A mod admitting they were wrong if someone has a good point is a good mod.
/end ramble
tl;dr - this is too long, don't read it or you'll get syphilis
I see nothing wrong with provoking people... The person being provoked can either step up or walk away it's pretty easy... Provoking is all in the spirit of competition which censorship really harms.
I value freedom of speech and information very highly, but I really don't know where this idea that respect and decency is some modern liberal "politically correct" concept comes from. Back in the "good old days" of medieval England you'd be ostracized from your community if you weren't considered "neighborly" enough, and old germanic tribes used to fine people heavily for insulting another man's honor and in many circumstances it was legal to kill someone if they disrespected you. I think the moral degradation of society should be just as concerning to a conservative minded person as any NWO "political correctness" agenda.
The only moderation that I've personally done was to try to clean up the site to apply for adsense, which I've since given up on, to remove midget porn from someone's avatar, and banning someone for 3 days for bumping about a dozen threads that were years old without adding anything constructive. I do agree that some of the moderation has been heavy-handed recently, but I also think some people are abusing the lax policies and that certain areas of the site have gotten out of control. A lot of the time people report people that they're arguing with, there's hostility and insults on both sides so the whole argument gets deleted, then people complain about censorship or biased mods. It seems more like some of you are unhappy that the mods aren't biased.
I have a lot of respect for you Solipsist but it's almost comical how you're trying to paint yourself as some type of persecuted political dissident because your burn book got deleted. You're not Edward Snowden, you were acting like a gossipy highschool bitch. I agree that competition, banter, rivalries, and even a degree of hostility is healthy, but the purpose of this forum shouldn't be to reenact the movie Mean Girls. And Sketchbag please explain how Mocha's "vendetta" against you had anything to do with you getting an infraction for telling someone to cut themselves.
I think the best way to change behavior isn't through force but incentives, integration, and recognition of an individual's skills and value to the community. I'm sorry that some of the plans for the site are moving slowly, but there have been some pretty major setbacks that are going to make some of my initial goals difficult. If you're lashing out because you're frustrated just know that I'm also frustrated and I'm doing my best to ensure that we all get our place in the sun.
In the future I'm going to ask that moderators don't take action unless there has been a report or a serious violation, ie pornography, personal information, scams, private servers, etc. Profanity itself should not be a reason for deletions or infractions unless it is very excessive.
In real life I could see harassment being an issue in your own house or in your workplace because it's hard to walk away from that but on a forum u just click on it and get out of the thread it's not hard