You asked No or Yes...
I explained to the people that stated no...
Hmm, so now you are making fun of people with a mental disability. For shame. That is definitely a breach of CoC. Two as a matter of fact.
You are an angry little man aren't you?
Have a wonderful day Sunshine!
Moderator votes don't count. So 17 a piece.
i demand a big boi section hidden from the newer TI communityI believe we need mods but i just feel like there should be closer to free reign, if you are worried about people seeing it to much split the sections up so there are more hostile sections which require a certain post #'s to view/post in.
This is completely unrelated to the discussion of whether or not we should have the mods/coc w/e, but can we please stop with this shit about making a new site if you don't like something. I don't understand why there is no in between of just voting to change something or having posts that bring awareness to issues. Why is the response to whenever anyone wants to change something there are 4 responses saying, "If you don't like it leave." Sure it's true, but why do we have to have such extremes, you can change things without starting over, j/s.
This is completely unrelated to the discussion of whether or not we should have the mods/coc w/e, but can we please stop with this shit about making a new site if you don't like something. I don't understand why there is no in between of just voting to change something or having posts that bring awareness to issues. Why is the response to whenever anyone wants to change something there are 4 responses saying, "If you don't like it leave." Sure it's true, but why do we have to have such extremes, you can change things without starting over, j/s.
i demand a big boi section hidden from the newer TI community