a meta needs a very very long time to evolve organically. In an ideal world, we would all be developers, with the ability to tone numbers by slight margins, understand game theory, and hire those who can skillfully and objectively look at what makes each part of warsong gulch tick. Unfortunately, very few of you plebs are qualified to handle something like this without really tarnishing the growth of a meta. Slight tweaks here and there are totally warranted. Enchant restrictions, gear restrictions (zg enchants, enchant stacking) and the like are small things that will not affect what the wod meta has evolved into. I am not saying that the rules are perfect, but the key point is that they have stayed consistent the whole time, the decisions made by teams in and out of the game are always changing, based on pugs, plebs, scrims, vods, new ideas, experience, trial and error etc. You will never have an organic growth of metagame if you just change things because you think its overpowered or boring. double boomie is not unbeatable. In my opinion, this is the perfect meta to be going into the twinkcup on because the game will continue to evolve organically , infact the top teams are already moving onto the higher levels of what double boomy offers while the lower tier teams are still trying to figure out how the fuck it works. the same thing happened last year with rogue/rdruid meta, it got to the point where it was nearly impossible to kill the efc when leaving FR if his team was winning mid, so the strategy adapted. Its just so obvious, people will adapt (or wait till other teams adapt and then copy them) because thats just how the cycle goes. One thing is fotm till people figure out what beats that, then everyone moves to that until something that beats that is found..
Like i said, i am not against banning double boomie, but those in charge must REALLY understand the weight of what they are doing. You cannot make rash decisions when it comes to something like this, ESPECIALLY because of the lack of experience and understanding the VAST majority of you possess. This will have a lasting impact. These decisions will affect the depth of warsong gulch, how strategy evolves, and will undoubtedly affect the quality of play.
edit: i strongly believe that UGGTW lost the games against HiA because some of the classes that were brought to the field in lieu of double boomy significantly under performed. I believe if the resto druid was played differently, and the weaknesses of double boomy were exploited, the games could have turned out in favor of uggtw
also, if you had had me casting the games of SR/my realid/guild team, i would have been able to point things out that made you guys understand how high level those games were, not just 'gy to gy'
final edit, as pizza says, "the best team will win the twink cup", not the team with the most boomies on the field.
Like i said, i am not against banning double boomie, but those in charge must REALLY understand the weight of what they are doing. You cannot make rash decisions when it comes to something like this, ESPECIALLY because of the lack of experience and understanding the VAST majority of you possess. This will have a lasting impact. These decisions will affect the depth of warsong gulch, how strategy evolves, and will undoubtedly affect the quality of play.
edit: i strongly believe that UGGTW lost the games against HiA because some of the classes that were brought to the field in lieu of double boomy significantly under performed. I believe if the resto druid was played differently, and the weaknesses of double boomy were exploited, the games could have turned out in favor of uggtw
also, if you had had me casting the games of SR/my realid/guild team, i would have been able to point things out that made you guys understand how high level those games were, not just 'gy to gy'
final edit, as pizza says, "the best team will win the twink cup", not the team with the most boomies on the field.

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