Twink Info Legend
they are still like 80s to 5g from what i see.nah, too much work. i just farmed the AH on multiple realms for the 1st week of SL pre-patch;
when no one really caught on to the future value of TBC gems yet.
they are still like 80s to 5g from what i see.nah, too much work. i just farmed the AH on multiple realms for the 1st week of SL pre-patch;
when no one really caught on to the future value of TBC gems yet.
yeah, most of the shit colored gems get pretty cheap if you leave the AH alone for a day or two.they are still like 80s to 5g from what i see.
I bought 150 purple BC gems (Amethyst ones) at the cost of 25s each, 3 weeks agoyeah, most of the shit colored gems get pretty cheap if you leave the AH alone for a day or two.
i've yet to see big stacks of orange/purple drop below 50g a piece on most realms.
Capping off at 1,000g is an important part of rotating professions, especially if you ever revisit a Legion Crafting Profession; those require you buy a 1000g item to relearn the skill, because Legion Trainers are assholes. You will also be hitting the goldcap multiple times in order to maximize your materials acquisition (mainly for Enchanting, more on this later). There are a few ways to earn gold:
- One-time options for “Vendor Trash Treasure” pick-ups in Pandaria & Draenor
- Face-melting mob grinds for “Vendor Trash Treasure” at never-ending/fast spawn points. Fallhaven pigs make a solid choice here, dropping both high value vendor trash as well as doubling as an ilvl 28 socket gear grind.
- Traditional Questing/Dailies Rotations
This is also useful for when you are done with professions and want to explore and buy up a bunch of new goodies around Azeroth.
1. Tailoring/Enchanting (Enchant Scrolls, Bags & Bandages)
You want to take Enchanting first, because it will allow you to disenchant all the epic Legion drops you don't need, and build up your enchanting material pool faster (especially the much needed https://www.wowhead.com/item=124442/chaos-crystals). This also keeps your inventory clean. The main goal here is Hidden Satyr.
You can find a comprehensive LIST OF ENCHANTS HERE. Big shoutout to @Swoops for putting that together! Your enchants will scale to level 29 number values in BGs.
Some of the more popular enchants are listed below, for your reference:2. Skinning/Leatherworking (quick dip into LW for leg armor & maybe skinning for mats needed by other professions)
- Neck = Hidden Satyr
- Back = Minor Power/PvP Power
- Chest = Super Stats/Glorious Stats
- Wrists = Major Stamina
- Hands = Crusher/Spell Power
- Feet = Minor Speed/Blurred Speed/Tuskarr's Vitality
- Fingers = [Work in Progress]
- Weapons = Crusader/Elemental Force/Healing power or Spellpower
- Shields/Off-Hand = Vitality/Major Intellect
You want to have all your pants by this point to apply the leg armor. If you don't you can always revisit Pandaria LW once you do have your best pants.
- Legs = https://www.wowhead.com/spell=124569/draconic-leg-reinforcements/https://www.wowhead.com/spell=124567/primal-leg-reinforcements/https://www.wowhead.com/spell=124568/heavy-leg-reinforcements
3. Herbalism/Mining - The general grind for Ore & The targeted grind for an Alchemy Kit
- collect https://www.wowhead.com/item=52976/savage-leather X10 (for https://www.wowhead.com/spell=84406/authentic-jr-engineer-goggles)
- collect https://www.wowhead.com/item=33568/borean-leather X20 (for leveling Northrend Engineering
59 x Peacebloom
59 x Silverleaf
90 x Briarthorn (get 115-120)
20 x Mageroyal (get 25-30)
30 x Bruiseweed (get 40-45)
45 x Stranglekelp (get 60-65)
20 x Liferoot (get 25-30)
30 x Kingsblood (get 40-45)
30 x Goldthorn (get 40-45)
10 x Wild Steelbloom (get 15-20)
25 x Sungrass (get 30-35)
35 x Khadgar's Whisker (get 50-55)
10 x Blindweed (get 15-20)
40 x Gromsblood (get 55-60)
40 x Sorrowmoss (get 55-60)
15 x Dreamfoil (get 20-25)
28 x Golden Sansam (get 35-40)
21 x Mountain Silversage (get 30-35)
17 x Icecap (get 20-25)
7 x Ghost MushroomYou will probably want to be safe and top off those stacks with an extra 20-30%.4. Mining/Jewelcrafting - A thorough and comprehensive JC can be found here
Suggested "super-safe" amounts are (listed in parentheses).
**Here's a GREAT GUIDE from WoW-Professions on Alchemy (for reference).
(Stock up on JC materials. Don't level JC yet, it's only for prospecting) – [Work in Progress]
https://www.wowhead.com/item=23425/adamantite-ore x2,000 = 400 Prospect Rolls for https://www.wowhead.com/item=23437/talasite exclusively.5. Mining/Alchemy (Trasmutations for JC materials, Alchemy Flask) – [Work in Progress]
6. Mining/Jewelcrafting (Finish out your Gems collection) – [Work in Progress]
7. Mining/Engineering - get your Goggles, Cogwheels, Tinkes & TrinketsThe Currently broken/unscaled option:
[Work in Progress] [Unique]https://www.wowhead.com/item=33131/crimson-sun (+3) [Unique]https://www.wowhead.com/item=33133/don-julios-heart (+3) [Unique]https://www.wowhead.com/item=33135/falling-star (+3)
[Unique]https://www.wowhead.com/item=42702/enchanted-tear (+2 to all)
[Unique]https://www.wowhead.com/item=49110/nightmare-tear (+3 to all) [Work in Progress]
20-something https://www.wowhead.com/item=23437/talasite for your pure Stamina https://www.wowhead.com/item=33782/steady-talasite set (prospected from https://www.wowhead.com/item=23425/adamantite-ore).
You will get plenty of other gems you might need as well.
** For a more in-depth dive into F2P Jewelcrafting, check out @Gobolord's F2P JC Guide.
Pandaria Goggles: (scaled down using https://shadowlands.wowhead.com/item=180055/relic-of-the-past-i)
Sold by https://www.wowhead.com/npc=5519/billibub-cogspinner & https://www.wowhead.com/npc=3413/sovik (vedors in other Capital Cities sell them as well)
You will need to diversify what you craft while leveling Cataclysm Engineering in order to have the odd items needed to purchase the Cogwheels.
(One of them requires https://www.wowhead.com/item=60858/goblin-barbecue, so do your cooking dailies to learn the https://www.wowhead.com/item=62654/lavascale-fillet recipe required to cook one of the ingredients for the Goblin BBQ, fishing up https://www.wowhead.com/item=53068/lavascale-catfish is another story)
- Back = https://www.wowhead.com/spell=126392/goblin-glider
- Waist = https://www.wowhead.com/spell=54793/frag-belt
** For a more in-depth dive into F2P Engineering, check out @Gobolord's F2P Engi Guide.8. Engineering/Alchemy (pick Alchemy up for Flask)
(only need 1 skill to use it, so you can drop & relearn after the flask is made)
You need to apply a relic of the past 1 before crafting it.Hi, I just made a Ghost Iron Dragling trinket of item level 19.
Soon after I created a cogwheel gem which requires item level 38. There are no lower ilevel cogwheel gems available as an engineer?
I also bought a gem from Honor Hold (which should match the trinket cogwheel because in the description you can read that it "matches any socket"). Unfortunately, it seems impossible now to socket the Ghost Iron Dragling as a level 20 character?
Please note that I will take a subscription sooner or later.
The pandaria cogs req too high item lvl. You need to buy cogwheels from the vendor at the cataclysm engineering vendor in org/stormwind. You need 75 cata engi to do this, but gems that arent soulbound dont bind the item so you can have someone else do it for you.Hi, I just made a Ghost Iron Dragling trinket of item level 19.
Soon after I created a cogwheel gem which requires item level 38. There are no lower ilevel cogwheel gems available as an engineer?
I also bought a gem from Honor Hold (which should match the trinket cogwheel because in the description you can read that it "matches any socket"). Unfortunately, it seems impossible now to socket the Ghost Iron Dragling as a level 20 character?
Please note that I will take a subscription sooner or later.
RIPPlease note that I will take a subscription sooner or later.
You may know this already but its always worth repeating. If your account has never had gametime before as soon as you add a subscription to it your character will gain all its banked exp and possibly level. If you are going to go the vet route add gametime before you hit 20 ideally or at least before you've accumulated enough banked exp to gain a level.Please note that I will take a subscription sooner or later.
One of the more expansive new features open to F2Ps is the Warlords of Draenor Garrisons. You can collect Followers from all around the continent & send them on missions. Most missions reward Garrison Resources & Follower Experience, but sometimes you will have Rare Missions pop up with more lucrative rewards.
the same way you would with a new character. Do the WOD intro linesHow do I get a Garrison with an existing character? Started late 2013. Haven't been on for two or three years. I tried searching for "F2P Garrison existing character", and came up with nothing.
after they've been crafted, there's no way to change the ilvl or get the reagents back. You'll just have to make another one and pay attention this time.I have crafted 3 Ghost Iron Dragonling trinkets and I forgot to set the item level to 19. Could you change the ilevel or if not, can you refund me with the reagents please? So I can set it to ilevel 19. Unfortunately the ingame support can not help me
the panda goggles are better than the cata goggles and iirc they all require living steel. So if you're gonna make goggles, you might as well hang around for 4 extra days and see if you cant shave a few days wait off the miserable wrath gem grindTried searching, didnt find anything... is it worth leveling panda alch and doing the 4 living steel transmutes for the transmutation mastery quest before your epic gem transmutes? Or would one think the extra 4 days for the living steel negates the benefit?