Shadow Lands Pre-Patch, a blessing? or a curse in sheep's clothing

Is the Twinking experience in the Pre-patch as bad as i say or am i a dumb troglodyte?

  • Its bad

  • You are a dumb Troglodyte (Pre patch twinking is good)

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Ok, so the past 4-5+ weeks the entire twinking system has seen an overhaul. Be it positive or negative. Alot of limitations have been removed which gives the F2P/ Starter Edition accounts much more content to do. But the question is, did the pre-patch make things great or worse?
There are certainly the Good:
1-You are no longer restricted in Pre-TBC/Classic zones only. Now you have the free will to do any expansion of your choice, but to some degree of limitations due to the requirement of some zones needing higher than 20+ LVL.
2-Professions can be now made higher than 100 cap. (I managed to reach 220 on my Enchantment) which can give a better curve for twinking.
3-Mount speed has increased to 100% at LVL20, no more 60% speed.
4-Now you can join many BGs instead of being limited only to Warsong Gultch, Arathi and EOS.
5-Maximum Gold cap has increased to 1000 Gold, instead of 10 gold.
6-Due to the level squish Shadowlands made, you can now play with DeathKnights and Demonhunters starting at level 8.

All of this is great and all, but from here on out im going to be stating the Bad part (least that my opinion, im sure many will disagree)
1-There are always 2 types of Twinks i like to label. The pure F2P twink and the handy work Twink that has a max level character that can help provide a certain item for the low twink. That there, comes the problem (That problem existed way beyond the pre-patch but here its more dominant)
With a twink having a high level character to use he can get items, gear and enchants easily. Unike free f2p starter accounts.(Things ofcourse has changed more with the pre-patch) Lets not also forget Talador's stupid ass phasing in Shattrath. I cant even see nor kill any of the damnable rares there, while flying fuckers carrying low lvl people can.
2-Farming spots, and Camp sights on certain mobs have been rather ehhhh lately. Really jolly to see a lvl50 Obsidian mount carrying a lvl10 Volpera to just one shot an Aqualir that i have been waiting for 2+ hours and miss the loot. (Yes i am salty about it and im making this post just to vent and cry about it)
3- While still unable to use the mail box and the Auction house, some with play-time can access them and buy certain mats, sockets and enchants that will give them a curve. Unlike pure f2p.

And then we enter the Ugly zone, which i both like and dislike about it.
1-Thanks to Blizzard's poor scaling at the start of the Pre-patch, some broken items have surfaced. Items that have higher ILVL and stats than the average lvl20 gear. By now everyone or the majority has it.
2-Some of those Broken gear cant be obtained normally by a pure F2P account/starter edition, unlike those who have play time. Like the end quest Pillars of creations in Legion. Hammer Aggrammar quest, Tidestone etc. With the exception of Elune's tear, that thing is the only gear i can get without being handicapped. Why? Because it doesnt require you to enter/ finish a legion dungeon. You cant do any other dungeon that is not fucking Atal'Dazar or Freehold, "Why dont you use the Chronormu system?" It doesnt work of f2p account, it says i need game time inorder to use it. Same like stopping the XP bar at lvl 19 and unable to join any bg bec i dont have any game time. Jolly. (If there is a way to get the rest of the pillars with an f2p account i would be more than delighted to know).
3-Thanks to that ridicules hyper fast grind, blizzard have nerfed the majority of the items meaning those who got it 1st hand will be broken in pvp. It pains me to see that i barely managed to gear up my Warlock (while still failing to get the HoA due to the nerf they did) i cant gear the rest of my other character. Im now stuck with a half baked twink. Can hardly call it a twink with people towering up to 3K Health pool while i barely reach 1.9K. I really cant enjoy the process of leveling another character and doing all this nightmare again.
4-Those who started the twinking late, will be severly handicapped due to the fact that they missed 90% of the broke ass shit a 10-20 player can do as of now. Although its Epic to deal 1000+ damage to a normal lvl 20 player with Soul Fire but i always like to place myself in other's shoes. I would be pissed aswell (Hypocritial as i might be)

I played WoW since BC, and stopped at early Cata. Then started playing the Starter Edition for many years. Infact i never really returned back, played many classes, many races with mixed classed (Except melee because i suck). And i enjoyed most of the process. Up untill the Pre-patch shadowlands. I never expressed this much distaste, masochism and sadism in just one character from 1-20. The experience is good at start, but then it derailes down to an addicting grind of item. The sole fear that knowing they will be eventually nerfed to the ground. I shit you not, i never felt this defeat farming Aqualir than just farming Skhowl's classic Feathered helmet for my Shaman. As both are long ass wait and time consuming, but for Skhowl, rest known that he wont be changed or nerfed. But sweet jesus was i in a rough wagon speeding through many shit to get the most out of my class as a half baked twink. Alas, i couldnt even get any of the Azerite neck, helm and shoulders. nor any of the Legion end quests of each zone (Except Val'Sharrah). You are prob wondering, what took me this long or why was my fat ass late? 1-i didnt know Twinks had an entire forum of thier own, i just assumed that any item pre shadowlands will be broken because Blizzard doesnt have a good track record of scaling. 2-Following blindly on shit and stuff and killing anything to see if they have something to take note of which really killed alot of time and wasted potential.
3-I leveled 12 toons just to try and see the Exile's Reach thing on all classes and races (Dont ask why i did that) and now discovering that non of it mattred because only 1 of them managed to get some of the twink items, which is my warlock. Granted i can still get some of them but the damage has already been done, aint really something jolly to see people having Artifacts that reach beyond 30+ ilvl while my half baked ass is stuck with a dagger and my 1st ever broken item twink, which is the off-hand in Frost Fire Ridge. Needless to say, the pre-patch has certainly made a change. Bad or Worse, its in the end up to debate. I however see it, PVP-wise (being hogtied and getting ass fucked by 5 different dildos) Experience. But PVE wise, im enjoying it. Glad that i can see, try and finish things i have missed in the past years. So, yeah to me twinking has been alot worse.

You would not believe how happy i am when i discovered that the Gurubashi Arena Grand master quest is now available to player lower than 30. Meaning i can actually get it. Only to get even more fucked knowing that the Grand Master Trinket became obsolete when 2 more OP trinks surfaced.
This entire word wall would have been easily avoided if i got all the OP twink items. Yes, i wouldnt have made an account here for the purpose of getting mad on something on the internet if i got everything i wanted, instead i suck badly.

I can personally confirm that Pure F2Ps do not have access to Chromie time. All Linked Accounts DO have access. If you want to test it yourself, you have to create a new Bnet account under a different E-mail. Once you do Exile's Reach and start the BFA questline, you should be able to come back to do Chromie on a Vet, but not a Pure F2p
That not about it. If u are in the group with a, lets say, Legion Chromie guy - than u can queue for at least random Legion or some of them for sure; but we wonder if we can queue all of them (i mean just reasonable ones, with lvl20 loot requirement)
I returned back at f2p few days before shadowlands prepatch, as prepatch went live i have to say i like it, i spent sometimes more time at my f2p paladin than my 50lvl chars,well guys and gals let's be honest we have access in a vast content and things that we will be capable to explore at next few months or maybe at next year, maybe dungeon que for me is the only negative thing till now.

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