Shadow Lands Pre-Patch, a blessing? or a curse in sheep's clothing

Is the Twinking experience in the Pre-patch as bad as i say or am i a dumb troglodyte?

  • Its bad

  • You are a dumb Troglodyte (Pre patch twinking is good)

  • Mixed Opinions

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There is also a discord server specifically for level 20 content in addition to the XPOff forums official discord.

For grouping or adding friends as a ftp that is probably the best spot for that. It’s a good, popular server. Not some random low activity. Some posters here and our French supermoderator run it
Many thanks man, i will be joing soon :)
Think about subbing an account for a month for 15 dollars.

This might remedy several of your negatives right off the bat or at least offset some of the FOMO. Create a second account if you're a real purist.

Keep in mind that the people gearing this past week might be facing another round of nerfs, so don't get too discouraged in the short term.
As for the second response that mentions the dungeon Que, being purely Starter Edition, i cant invite people, i cant join groups outside of dungeon finding, you cant whisper people, you cant trade people gold for them to atleast carry you, you cant talk in Trade/general chat and you are only limited to 2 dungeons. Not even the chronormu thing works. I get it its an MMO after all, but what is an MMO when you cant even socialize to anyone but only speaking through the normal chat? Took me 2+ hours to wait for someone to come and help me kill Maniacal Madgard because i cannot shout for it nor use Pre-made grouping. ( one last thing i forgot to mention, even if im in a party of people that can que up legion dungeons, they cant because im limited to 2 only. Meaning they have to remove me inorder to que up. Kinda bruh moment if you ask me)

You also get all of that for free, what exactly do you want? They remade the trial experience with people in mind that they hope will sub eventually once they try out the content. They put their best foot forward with the two BFA dungeons and the bfa timewalking experience for brand new players, which is what f2p accounts fall under. Sub once and you can use chrome time and do whatever you want. Kinda bruh moment to be looking such a huge gift horse in the mouth considering all the restrictions they did lift.
Are the people having issues with Chromie time on F2P not linked to a currently subbed account? I made a fresh F2P account that is linked to my btag of a paid account and I can access Chromie time the same way all of my 19s do on my paid account with zero issues.
Are the people having issues with Chromie time on F2P not linked to a currently subbed account? I made a fresh F2P account that is linked to my btag of a paid account and I can access Chromie time the same way all of my 19s do on my paid account with zero issues.
I tried it, but it stated that i need Game-Time in order to access it. Like stopping XP while unable to que up in BGs bec i need play time.
I tried it, but it stated that i need Game-Time in order to access it. Like stopping XP while unable to que up in BGs bec i need play time.
is your f2p account under the same bnet as a paid account or is this the only account you currently have "active"?
is your f2p account under the same bnet as a paid account or is this the only account you currently have "active"?
Atm its the only active account. I lost many accounts through the couse of the years (mainly thanks to my short term memory) So yeah, the one im using is pure F2P Starter Edition.
Ok, so the past 4-5+ weeks the entire twinking system has seen an overhaul. Be it positive or negative. Alot of limitations have been removed which gives the F2P/ Starter Edition accounts much more content to do. But the question is, did the pre-patch make things great or worse?
There are certainly the Good:
1-You are no longer restricted in Pre-TBC/Classic zones only. Now you have the free will to do any expansion of your choice, but to some degree of limitations due to the requirement of some zones needing higher than 20+ LVL.
2-Professions can be now made higher than 100 cap. (I managed to reach 220 on my Enchantment) which can give a better curve for twinking.
3-Mount speed has increased to 100% at LVL20, no more 60% speed.
4-Now you can join many BGs instead of being limited only to Warsong Gultch, Arathi and EOS.
5-Maximum Gold cap has increased to 1000 Gold, instead of 10 gold.
6-Due to the level squish Shadowlands made, you can now play with DeathKnights and Demonhunters starting at level 8.


7-vastly increased storage, able to
--purchase and unlock all bank slots, reagent storage, void storage
--buy 18 slot bags
--make 24 slot legion bags
--over time with a garrison, make 30 slot bags
8-three hearthstones (main, new dal, garrison) and access to more ports
9-get more mounts and pets

its way easier to get around as a 20 even in zones showing 30-50, than it was as a 20 in zones from 40-110+

as for the imbalance, it was severe if not worse when brackets were 20-29, 20-24, 20-29 and F2P was in XP off, facing twinks with full unsquished enchants, herb heal/mine stam buffs. F2P were cannon fodder. BFA was a good 2 years for F2P, squishes made us a bit closer to twinks. with SL blizzard missed alot, some items got over looked in scaling, and some items should have never been available. many who did not play F2P 5+ years ago or have bad memories are now shell shocked bu the power of those who have those currently GFd items. this is not the worse it has ever been for F2P
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In regards to the original post/topic, I think SL has been pretty huge for F2P and Im really excited to dig in once the dust settles. But I do think there's a double edged sword that nobody has mentioned yet for pure F2P...

We just dont seem as cool anymore. Oh you have a BRD clear? Yea thats level appropriate content. TBC gear? Level appropriate. WOD exploring? Level appropriate. 100 pets? ez. 100 mounts? whatever. BFA fishing achieves? so what.

Im sure we'll find new edges to push on but as I maxed out professions and got enchants and engi and stuff, I couldnt help but feel like "well now Im just a vet but with a bit of masochism thrown in". I dont have to save gliders, or worry over bank space, or deal with just 10 gold.

There's a lot of shiny new objects to play with but I feel like some of the sparkle is gone.
In regards to the original post/topic, I think SL has been pretty huge for F2P and Im really excited to dig in once the dust settles. But I do think there's a double edged sword that nobody has mentioned yet for pure F2P...

We just dont seem as cool anymore. Oh you have a BRD clear? Yea thats level appropriate content. TBC gear? Level appropriate. WOD exploring? Level appropriate. 100 pets? ez. 100 mounts? whatever. BFA fishing achieves? so what.

Im sure we'll find new edges to push on but as I maxed out professions and got enchants and engi and stuff, I couldnt help but feel like "well now Im just a vet but with a bit of masochism thrown in". I dont have to save gliders, or worry over bank space, or deal with just 10 gold.

There's a lot of shiny new objects to play with but I feel like some of the sparkle is gone.

you longing for the days of F2P suffering makes me think you should have definitely rolled a DH.
players who still feel the need to mention to people that they're f2p falls under the same category as those who tell everyone they're vegan.
I get that many people are irritated, but im just stating my opinion on a certain matter. Wether you like it or not that i mention "hey im f2p fuck you people for paying and getting more privlidge" ofcourse they will because they payed. If you read carefuly, i stated that this entire damn thing is satire because i was so salty about missing the majority of the Broken gear, its just a means of calming myself down. Some people took it normally and actually helped me out, others ridiculed it. And to those who helped out, massive thanks for being civil. If i didnt miss any of the gear, i wouldnt even be here lmao.
The gearing and character progression is back at a super high point but, like Chops said, a good portion of the swag stuff has been rendered moot. With the need to walk into 95% of the dungeons kinda wish server community was a bigger thing again

SET btw
I think low level hunter damage is more of an issue in all honesty. It's going to be hell next month when hunters with GF gear are roaming around.
Can confirm. I transferred my GF geared (no artifact 49 though) hunter to an account with one day time left so I can be the only twink BGing. I'm doing triple the damage of everyone else repeatedly.
Is this really a thing? I personally queue up Azhara, Wardens and random Legion (which was Warden again)
I saw some screens with limited options, but though that was a bug - can anyone clarify full restriction list on group reg for trials, please?

Are the people having issues with Chromie time on F2P not linked to a currently subbed account? I made a fresh F2P account that is linked to my btag of a paid account and I can access Chromie time the same way all of my 19s do on my paid account with zero issues.

I can personally confirm that Pure F2Ps do not have access to Chromie time. All Linked Accounts DO have access. If you want to test it yourself, you have to create a new Bnet account under a different E-mail. Once you do Exile's Reach and start the BFA questline, you should be able to come back to do Chromie on a Vet, but not a Pure F2p
The gearing and character progression is back at a super high point but, like Chops said, a good portion of the swag stuff has been rendered moot. With the need to walk into 95% of the dungeons kinda wish server community was a bigger thing again

SET btw

SET? From what time are you? Don't you know they changed "Starter Edition" to "Free Trial"?
SET is dead, long live the FTT (Free Trial Twink) ;)
SET? From what time are you? Don't you know they changed "Starter Edition" to "Free Trial"?
SET is dead, long live the FTT (Free Trial Twink) ;)
I never thought I'd get to spend those rune threads. Buying bank on my f2p will be one of my fondest WoW memories.

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