Score Board (e-peen) Thread

Calling out is not acceptable. We are not a LFM for lynch mob forum. If you feel someone needs to get banned for in-game rule violation, do it in-game.
i'm not busted silly. Its not me. :D

Oh really? My friends who have you on real ID say otherwise.

Give it up, Duo/Ìronman. When you say that you're not Ìronman@Draka, there's not a single person here who believes you. Just come out of your gemmed up closet. :p

Duo, the saddest part is that in terms of sheer skill, you are undoubtedly one of the top five holy pallies in the bracket. Why would you even need to gem up your gear?

If you didn't gem and gy camp, if you played objectively, you'd actually be a highly respected player.
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I can easily name 10 lv 20 Hpals who have more skill then him just off the top of my head

Honestly, I find him to be not half bad either. He has enemy team awareness behind only Pizza (who is leaps and bounds beyond any single player or group I have ever seen in this bracket). RT or whatever they were calling themselves (nice to be semi-forgettable, eh!) did really run the containment show...

Additionally, when I get pugged into a game I am never the target. No matter how much people find me irritating/want an easy kb/whatever, it does not compare to the hard-on they sport for him.

I don't know, there are worse ways to be.
Honestly, I find him to be not half bad either. He has enemy team awareness behind only Pizza (who is leaps and bounds beyond any single player or group I have ever seen in this bracket). RT or whatever they were calling themselves (nice to be semi-forgettable, eh!) did really run the containment show...

Additionally, when I get pugged into a game I am never the target. No matter how much people find me irritating/want an easy kb/whatever, it does not compare to the hard-on they sport for him.

Soooo you're saying the most known 24 gy farmer and a well known 19 gy farmer has field awareness..? Maybe it's because they only have to worry about like 1/10th of the field? I got gy farmed probably 5 times from pizza and their gang when they were here and I got free probably close to 10 times and I know they were making it a goal to try and make sure I stayed in gy so I didn't see that much from pizza or WT atleast in my experience..

Also just cause people target him doesn't mean hes good? it just means they have so much anger from gy farming that they want to try and kill him so that is kinda irrelevant.. Duo and pizza have one goal and that was to keep people in gy and they didn't/don't really do much more then that so I'm not sure how that makes them have good field awareness
Soooo you're saying the most known 24 gy farmer and a well known 19 gy farmer has field awareness..?

I knew you would get riled up. And I am saying exactly that.

Pizza had/has excellent field awareness for this bracket. Their group often didn't GY from what I saw. This is really neither here nor there. I am certain many people will agree with me here. I'm not saying he is the omgbestplayaevar. I'm saying he knew where the enemy was and he knew where his team was. And that likely stemmed from playing in a bracket not filled with QTs and jajas. Duo demonstrates some of the same awareness.

Don't take offense to that...

And the being targeted thing is just a reason I like playing with him when he isn't grouped. WTB less zergs on me. Ty.
I knew you would get riled up. And I am saying exactly that.

I'm not riled up just was astounded when you and cap said duo was one of the top.. I just said personally I didn't see anything special from pizza or WT from the brief times I saw them (not taking anything away from your skill so no need to sick dori on me if you're reading this) so didn't understand the pizza claim although I know his rep in the 19s so I didn't really doubt pizza.

I just haven't seen much from duo relating anything with the field except for gy farming and maybe chasing me down across the field. From what I have seen I would give duo maybe a top 10-20ish LEVEL 24 pally in the bracket. I'd say maybe a top 50 pally overall in the bracket.

And the being targeted thing is just a reason I like playing with him when he isn't grouped. WTB less zergs on me. Ty.

Don't worry I got that covered ;) Everytime I see trendy I warn everyone multiple times in bg chat not to let you FC and to stop you in mid cause you will do that annoying monk tun thing
This was probably the best game of the night. Had some Monk from SS on our team afk at the beginning because they said this Duo warrior used gems. Thought we were going to lose.


Then he left instantly (or afked?) with 1 second to go.

This was probably the best game of the night. Had some Monk from SS on our team afk at the beginning because they said this Duo warrior used gems. Thought we were going to lose.


Then he left instantly (or afked?) with 1 second to go.


How else is he gonna get that 98% win ratio to flash at TI, and claiming to be pro? ;)
I love theese win ratio ppl.. in my experience they do 1 of 2 things in wsg, gy farm or afk..
The funniest part was that the warrior (Duo) had to call for backup. So it was more or less the last team that all queued together, except this time that Duo guy was gone and Ironman appeared. Though from what I've heard that isn't actually Duo...he just happens to have all the same pets and achievements.

Didn't stand a chance in this one. I don't even care about the GY farming. I realize their team got beat by 3 24s in the prior game(only Fascinated and I were queued together), but we were flattered you gathered some people to play against us.


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