Score Board (e-peen) Thread

I can count 5 peeps from aggramar. and i would call that a semi premade atleast.

2 dont have addon and 1 wasnt grouped with us so ye, but I guess Ill take it as a compliment that only me and Jun is whats needed for a group to be a premade.
chriskongx - 83% wins in bgs

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fightstar - 78% wins in bus

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Masud - 88% wins in bgs

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Flyntflossy - 85% wins in bgs

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fascinated - as a resto druid lol 74% wsg wins ( 75% wins overall )

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Chrisfails - 82% in bg wins (yes sir you are fail)

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you guys are making Stormrage server look bad. No wonder you play 24s you couldn't hang in 19's bracket. How do you not have a 95% + win percentage when all you do is que up in 5+ mans. Guild is complete trash.

I'd actually have to objectively semi disagree with you. I've had a couple good games recently against 2 of them queueing together. They also seem to respect the /dance on a stump treaty during faceroll games in their favor (major + points right there). Anywho, no hate, no love, just tossin' some facts out from my perspective :).
chriskongx - 83% wins in bgs

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fightstar - 78% wins in bus

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Masud - 88% wins in bgs

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Flyntflossy - 85% wins in bgs

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fascinated - as a resto druid lol 74% wsg wins ( 75% wins overall )

Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft

Chrisfails - 82% in bg wins (yes sir you are fail)

Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft

you guys are making Stormrage server look bad. No wonder you play 24s you couldn't hang in 19's bracket. How do you not have a 95% + win percentage when all you do is que up in 5+ mans. Guild is complete trash.

These people haven't played 19s since 2006 or 2007.

I played competitive 39s with some members of this guild in 2007 and 2008. We did PTR 10v10s against guilds from other battlegroups. Don't even compare yourself.
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Any account that's had a 24 twink on it is pretty much tainted garbage now with account-wide achievements in place. Everything they've ever achieved in battleground pvp or pvp-related statistics and titles is just fodder for rolling eyes for the entire wow community.

There's all the credible epeen you had from other toons flushing down the drain 'cause you made a 24 twink.
Thread cleaned and reopened

Any further insults WILL result in infractions

Less flame-posting, and more screenshots please!
I forgot to take a screenshot of the scoreboard but this was a really good game.


Lol Thats Awesome bet no one can get up there. Yo SallyG That was way too many healers for us to handle with 2 hunts prot pally mage and lvl 20 pay to play druid. I will be holy from now on haha I learned my lesson.
Did you forget to cover up pet name?


I left the mage info purposely (I never display my own nameplate but if I did... it would be there)

I covered up the rest... Protect the guilty or some such.
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