Runescape 2007 VOTE NOW

Yeah, us twinks should make a clan. xD
Good times, back when i was too lazy and naive to write the word "come" and wondered why it showed up as *** when I typed it differently...

-started in 2003, quit the day EoC went live.
On a side note, are you actually going to have to start from 3 combat again? I miss tutorial island and all, but I cbb to go through that again... Especially if I know the player base will be a fraction of what it was and should be.
On a side note, are you actually going to have to start from 3 combat again? I miss tutorial island and all, but I cbb to go through that again... Especially if I know the player base will be a fraction of what it was and should be.
I think the servers will be 100% fresh, everyone starting out at 3. I plan on either botting (if I can get my hands of working bots for the 2007 client), or leveling up with some pals. Runescape was such a grind, 10x+ the grind of wow, but it is always fun when chatting and goofing around with buddies.
It was much more fun when I was 6, I can picture it now, parents wouldn't buy me P2P. I would be walking (didn't know of bots at the time) from falador to port sarim onto the boat to karamaja and fish an inv of lobsters, cook them, and walk back. RS is the most nostalgic game i'll ever know, and I don't think starting fresh will be fun at all, I wish the so called "snapshot" have characters saved that were made prior to 2007 so you could pick up were you left off, I have like 5 chars I'd die to play again at that time.
We won't be getting 250k votes, like hell I'm paying 22.50 a month for it

We are without a doubt going to pass 250k, my friend! :)

I think I'm going to try and sub for $2 in order to get my first month free after I vote. Anyone know how?
Unless the poll goes well after friday, I have my doubts. We have only gotten like 20k votes the past couple days, the initial 200k was expected. All of the people who care have cast their vote
We are without a doubt going to pass 250k, my friend! :)

I think I'm going to try and sub for $2 in order to get my first month free after I vote. Anyone know how?

Just pay the normal prize. You have to wait 24 hours + for the 2$ thing, and it may not be happening before Friday. Friday you have to have voted before, to get early access.
Unless the poll goes well after friday, I have my doubts. We have only gotten like 20k votes the past couple days, the initial 200k was expected. All of the people who care have cast their vote
There are about 8 days left. While each day less votes come in, there was 15-20k votes cast yesterday alone.
Ah, I figured the poll ended the on the release date. I suppose it will still cost 22.50 for the first month unless we hit 250k by tommorow. Was really hoping 500k would be hit.
Ah, I figured the poll ended the on the release date. I suppose it will still cost 22.50 for the first month unless we hit 250k by tommorow. Was really hoping 500k would be hit.

No dude. You go pay membership now for like 8$ and then you go vote YES. By voting yes you get 1 month free time of 2007Scape, and when that month is over we have had over 250k votes and it will cost 5$ extra fee.

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