The Coming Back.....

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Hallo everyone!
My name is Hatan aka Mamey , iquited twinks 2 years ago and idecided to get back to it and iam really excited about it.

And ihave some questions ihope iget answers.
1- how is the twinking community going?
2-any premades?
3-best guilds?
4-iused to play warlock and now iwanna try somthing new (ipref casters:333) like another class what is the easiest class to make?
5- whats the most op class(healer-dps-melee)
6-Should iwait for 5.2 or should ijust start doing it now?
7-and most active server?

thanks all for reading ....

hatan graffiti
Kinda unclear what answers to give when you haven't checked if EU or US. But I'll give it a go.

1. It is going fine from my perspective. We hit some rough spots, we keep together in both EU and US.
2. In US I don't know much of, there has been some I guess. In EU the first MoP premade will happen this Sunday, the 24th.
3. I hear tRain cOw is sitting on the throne. The most feared guild in EU is probably Tough Love.
4. I think all classes are really easy to make, so go with whatever you feel for. It is often the same gear.
5. All classes give different OPness to the field, but I would say most OP class is: Druid. [MENTION=3652]Nicozy[/MENTION]: Feral DPS, Resto healer most OP imo. He didn't ask for caster.
6. Start now if you got the time.
7. US: Bleeding Hollow EU: Draenor
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Horde dominate EU man.

This week will take the first premade of MOP on EU realm

best guild EU Tough Love for sure that's why not alot of premade in EU.

I advice you moonkin it's a good alternative to warlock. Wrist will take you alot of time...

All healers are OP but it's all about control or burst so nothing are OP in my eyes only shit class and spec...

Start now so you will get the "MOP synergy" it must be so hard that's why everybody will tell you go HCL for premade...

On EU horde i think Draenor is the capital of twinks alliance side it's a good alternative to go Al Akir but you will do arenas only with and against guildies cuz they don't wanna play against others guild atm maybe your presence bless them and they will start some 3s / 5s / premade 10vs 10 Wsg
Hallo everyone! My name is Hatan aka Mamey , iquited twinks 2 years ago and idecided to get back to it and iam really excited about it.And ihave some questions ihope iget answers.1- how is the twinking community going?2-any premades?3-best guilds?4-iused to play warlock and now iwanna try somthing new (ipref casters:333) like another class what is the easiest class to make?5- whats the most op class(healer-dps-melee)6-Should iwait for 5.2 or should ijust start doing it now?7-and most active server?thanks all for reading ....hatan graffiti
Cba to edit cause my phone is slow, and Im writing on that. First mop premade will happen this sunday. Best caster is boomkin but its also the most boring. Lock and mage are the funniest classes imo. TL best, sry RT and TC. Probably made 100 typos
Cba to edit cause my phone is slow, and Im writing on that. First mop premade will happen this sunday. Best caster is boomkin but its also the most boring. Lock and mage are the funniest classes imo. TL best, sry RT and TC. Probably made 100 typos

It's actually the 7th or 8th premade in MoP in US, don't know which one you are talking about these days. :)
mamey, azol, and roula, back on AA? just gonna login and delete my AA lock. brb
Kinda unclear what answers to give when you haven't checked if EU or US. But I'll give it a go.

1. It is going fine from my perspective. We hit some rough spots, we keep together in both EU and US.
2. In US I don't know much of, there has been some I guess. In EU the first MoP premade will happen this Sunday, the 24th.
3. I hear tRain cOw is sitting on the throne. The most feared guild in EU is probably Tough Love.
4. I think all classes are really easy to make, so go with whatever you feel for. It is often the same gear.
5. All classes give different OPness to the field, but I would say most OP class is: Druid. Nicozy: Feral DPS, Resto healer most OP imo. He didn't ask for caster.
6. Start now if you got the time.
7. US: Bleeding Hollow EU: Draenor

I really don't understand why they promoted you to Bracket Manager lol.
I really don't understand why they promoted you to Bracket Manager lol.

What I do, is trying to help. If my answers is untrue then correct me. Appreciate that I give it a go.
My knowledge about 15-19 may not be superb, but I am here to help if things get out of hand.
I really don't understand why they promoted you to Bracket Manager lol.

that same elitist attitude is why 19s are lucky if they get 2 pops per day. no one wants to be part of the community, and the ones that try get boo'd out.
where the @!# is my bracket manager status?

Edit: sorry i said the word Fuck, bracket managers cant use harsh language ofc so i removed it eu
where the @!# is my bracket manager status?

Edit: sorry i said the word Fuck, bracket managers cant use harsh language ofc so i removed it eu

its cuz of ur sig.
that same elitist attitude is why 19s are lucky if they get 2 pops per day. no one wants to be part of the community, and the ones that try get boo'd out.

My post has nothing to do with being a "eliteist" , the truth is that half the community or more don't even know who Stavie 19's is.
My post has nothing to do with being a "eliteist" , the truth is that half the community or more don't even know who Stavie 19's is.

so if he was well know he'd be a better bracket manager? hmm. i'm well know, if i was asked i'd just troll and ban ppl... but that would be okay, at least ppl would know who did it :p

i think someone's mad they got overlooked
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