Remember the Treeline
The extent of Twinkinfo's will to gather information about twinking extends about as far as its name.
Redefining the goal of the website so as to take the focus off of community and onto organization of information is as absurd as it is petty.
The strength of this website has always been its community. Even its guides, the only information gathering I can even begin to fathom you talking about, [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION], are written for the community. I doubt a single guide author would tell you otherwise. We write to inform, to build, maybe even in our arrogance we write to inspire.
But never for furthering the goals of the website. After all, guide authors are not paid - actually, we tried that if you remember. Shane found it to be a poor investment, so it was cancelled. I know that, because I was a part of it.
And even if your mandate is to organize information, why on earth would you do this by effectively de-organizing specific forums into one giant, polarized mass of voices?
Let me apply a contemporary political equivalent scenario which I think does justice to this issue:
Iraq is an ancient and holy land for the Shi'ite, Kurd, and Sunni muslims. For centuries, up until the 1920's, Iraq was divided into territories owned largely by these sects. They often were at war, but they had their own territory. Great Britain mandated the unification of Iraq in 1920. Since that time, there has been nothing but conflict in that abomination of a Western attempt at assembling a Frankenstein monster of a political state.
These groups do not belong together, they do not want to be together, they will not suddenly become "more mature" because you will it as a requisite for a social community.
As far as I'm concerned at this point, any opinion to the contrary is merely appeasement of what is recognized to be the inevitable course of action that Twinkinfo takes.
Redefining the goal of the website so as to take the focus off of community and onto organization of information is as absurd as it is petty.
The strength of this website has always been its community. Even its guides, the only information gathering I can even begin to fathom you talking about, [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION], are written for the community. I doubt a single guide author would tell you otherwise. We write to inform, to build, maybe even in our arrogance we write to inspire.
But never for furthering the goals of the website. After all, guide authors are not paid - actually, we tried that if you remember. Shane found it to be a poor investment, so it was cancelled. I know that, because I was a part of it.
And even if your mandate is to organize information, why on earth would you do this by effectively de-organizing specific forums into one giant, polarized mass of voices?
Let me apply a contemporary political equivalent scenario which I think does justice to this issue:
Iraq is an ancient and holy land for the Shi'ite, Kurd, and Sunni muslims. For centuries, up until the 1920's, Iraq was divided into territories owned largely by these sects. They often were at war, but they had their own territory. Great Britain mandated the unification of Iraq in 1920. Since that time, there has been nothing but conflict in that abomination of a Western attempt at assembling a Frankenstein monster of a political state.
These groups do not belong together, they do not want to be together, they will not suddenly become "more mature" because you will it as a requisite for a social community.
As far as I'm concerned at this point, any opinion to the contrary is merely appeasement of what is recognized to be the inevitable course of action that Twinkinfo takes.