Hello Kincaide,
I have to both agree and disagree.Depends on your point of view. If you see it as level 29, you will probably not care much, and be like "Meh, okay, not big deal" .
But at the F2Ps point of view, i come here to post with a strong "Disagree", this truly does not help the drama and hatred F2P-P2P.
The first argument i am bringing here is this. We are not equal, they have more benefits than we do. so yeah, sucks , does it not ? But we are NO ONE to change that.
The second one, about "F2P/P2P events" like BGs/Arenas etc, we WOULD NOT like someone with high advantage to participate against us in ANY tourney. No matter your point of view on it, but i am pretty sure that is how everybody else around here feels. Also, when you are doing 10v10 WSGs as a P2P, they wouldn't like a F2P in their team, obviously.
If this merge happens, the attention that the F2P bracket had would totally go in vain. And would totally demoralize the F2Ps! See to it, there may be people liking the changes, but looking deep into it, it is not the best thing to do.
I may suggest a thing also, don't do the merge thing, but create a folder than includes the ways of this bracket. Like, you open the folder, and find 3 other folders, The P2P Section / The Veteran Sections / The F2P Section.
Thanks for reading,
Peace out