Reincorporating All Account Types In The 20-29 Bracket Into One Forum

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dem tears, so tasty;)
... So if I have a question about northrend fishing tourny, should I head to 70-79 bracket or the 20-29 bracket?
If I have a question about the ftp dks, should I go to 50-59 or to 20-29? Southshore stragulethorn tourny, 30-39 or 20-29? Toys in mop, 80-89 or 20-29? To visit cata zones?

If this does happen all of us will be allover Ti's forums, it's better to just leave us as is with the ftp section as a different section then have us all over the place.

Sorry if I misspelled some words, I'll change them when I get back from work.
... So if I have a question about northrend fishing tourny, should I head to 70-79 bracket or the 20-29 bracket?
If I have a question about the ftp dks, should I go to 50-59 or to 20-29? Southshore stragulethorn tourny, 30-39 or 20-29? Toys in mop, 80-89 or 20-29? To visit cata zones?

If this does happen all of us will be allover Ti's forums, it's better to just leave us as is with the ftp section as a different section then have us all over the place.

Sorry if I misspelled some words, I'll change them when I get back from work.

For all your random non-bracket specific needs, TI's gotya covered - General Twinks Section
There is no "war" between f2p and p2p. As far as I know subs could care less about the merger. It is the whiney trials that are stomping their feet and throwing a hissy fit about a forum. A forum...
Separating f2p & p2p should have not happened in the first place . It just gave mods more work f2p complaining p2p in f2p section and p2p saying that f2p in p2p section. Just slap everyone together and enforce tightly for first few weeks to set the tone immaturity won't be tolerated ( should be setting that tone in all bracket forums).
Hello Kincaide,
I have to both agree and disagree.Depends on your point of view. If you see it as level 29, you will probably not care much, and be like "Meh, okay, not big deal" .

But at the F2Ps point of view, i come here to post with a strong "Disagree", this truly does not help the drama and hatred F2P-P2P.

The first argument i am bringing here is this. We are not equal, they have more benefits than we do. so yeah, sucks , does it not ? But we are NO ONE to change that.

The second one, about "F2P/P2P events" like BGs/Arenas etc, we WOULD NOT like someone with high advantage to participate against us in ANY tourney. No matter your point of view on it, but i am pretty sure that is how everybody else around here feels. Also, when you are doing 10v10 WSGs as a P2P, they wouldn't like a F2P in their team, obviously.

If this merge happens, the attention that the F2P bracket had would totally go in vain. And would totally demoralize the F2Ps! See to it, there may be people liking the changes, but looking deep into it, it is not the best thing to do.

I may suggest a thing also, don't do the merge thing, but create a folder than includes the ways of this bracket. Like, you open the folder, and find 3 other folders, The P2P Section / The Veteran Sections / The F2P Section.

Thanks for reading,
Peace out
I don't like the change not because of the war between p2ps and f2ps but because I imagine the section is going to become super messy. 29 and 20 gearing just isn't the same.

Mods said gearing guides will be in different sections.

I think it will be chaos for the first couple of weeks then people will get used to it. From Kincaide's posts I've gathered that they are thinking about the bracket as a whole now it's expanding even more and looking to decrease the stigma of playing different account types, especially now lots of people will be going vet over time. Imo that's a great thing. F2P is a very "follow our rules or be ostracized" kind of community, it's truly awesome when you fit in but I can see why at present, if some of the longtime members want to go vet they might fear being judged and stop posting. If things are merged no one is going to stick out like a sore thumb. No one is going to bitch that someone is in the wrong section.

As someone that plays every kind of twink in this bracket it will be much less confusing if I choose to participate, rather than perhaps being occupied if I am posting in the right place or that someone may take offence at me being there when I play "the enemy" too. People may still judge but we would be confident we all belong, at least.
Pure F2P + Linked F2P + Veteran + P2P = one new uber-community. This thread is for your reaction to that.

...although it would serve you well to read the whole thing, because obviously if it were just that simple, then that's all I would have had to say.

thats wut i thought when i read bits of it, well i think it should be the way it is now, p2ps in their section and f2ps and vets in theirs.

Separating 20s and 24s didn't stop bickering, not making a separate bracket for veterans, combining all 3 back into 1 again, stop being immature, deal with it.

calm down, ofc it didnt stop it completely but it stopped atleast 70% of the arguing, 30% left is the saint fault.

putting them together wont benefit anyone.
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Activate, is this about the topic, or is this about me? Because if it's the latter, PM me. Your post makes it pretty evident that you're taking this--and making this--personal.

well thread its about u and how u want TI to be.

Lions do not lie with lambs.

This will result in blood in the streets, fallowed by a massive ban wave of baited 29's by obviously biased failed to pay moderators.

i agree, poor p2p lambs would get slaughter by the amount of f2p lions.

[MENTION=13421]Allybeboba[/MENTION] it seems to be here example of how subs could care less and its all the whiney trials that are stomping their feet and throwing a hissy fit about a forum.

And even urself always blaming everything on f2ps, always coming to this section to bait f2ps.

This ppl are the reason why f2p&p2p community would not work.
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I think that this would be a good change. Now that we have Veteran status, many people will be making some changes to how they twink and that's fine. I believe that Vet's are apart of the F2P community and the F2P community is a part of the 20-29 community. So in the end, our account types might be different but we all enjoy the same bracket.

Perfectly stated. 20-29 is the Neighborhood, f2p/Vet/p2p are your street.

Pure F2P + Linked F2P + Veteran + P2P = one new uber-community. This thread is for your reaction to that.

...although it would serve you well to read the whole thing, because obviously if it were just that simple, then that's all I would have had to say.

With firm but gentle moderation this could be more present-day United Kingdom/New York City and less post-Saddam Iraq/ post-Tito Yugoslavia.
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Threads in the f2p section get bumped down to page 2 in a matter of less than 24 hours with the current veteran content in there as well. Adding 29s into the fray alone will be way too many threads circulating for one person to go thru on one page, if u give each 3 main type of accounts a tag then it really is no different than having 3 different "brackets" that each one resides in. U say u do this for organization, but organization requires preciousness and separation, not generalization. If every sect of this bracket are put together there is no way under the general format of ti for it not to overflow and be a mess. People can cross-sect interact with each other by just going into the others bracket and talking. There are many friendly ppl accepted in the f2p bracket right now who are p2ps, and vice versa as well. Of curse the abrasive ppl dont hold the same spot and often cause problems, but they would do the same thing if the brackets merged. Actually they would do it even more because of the troll bait or watever being right infront of their eyes anytime they come on, rather than having to actively go into another bracket. And im sure we all know how ppl rarely ever change their internet ego's (as shown by the 100s of banned trolls / drama starters). U ignored this the first time i posted and only brought up the first part of my post [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] , please address this
Please stop using the term "f2p" with the word "bracket" such a thing has never existed.
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Some people targeting Kincaide for his attempt to solve the situation, it's quite rude.
Remember he isn't the one who suddenly initiated this whole idea for solution about merging different type of accounts into one.
People were already having arguments defending or attacking veteran subjects which led us to this point. It's only natural that as a mod he would try to put an end to all the dramas and we as a community can't do so with our never ending quarrels. Because there are just too many people with so many different opinions.

I personally can't imagine how mods gonna figure out the current situation and don't know if it's gonna be a good decision to merge everything together. Either it's going to be all seperate sections or all-in-one type, stop stirring up everything into more complication and start try to be a bit more supportive and understanding towards each other. Being so stubborn against a certain type of twink (f2p, vet, p2p..) and casting people out of the circle is very childish. No hate :)
I don't like this even in the slighest. It's going to be an unorganized mess with the separate factions constantly bickering. Unfortunately, it will likely happen anyway. Kincaid is really good about forcing his own will and agenda upon others. If you don't believe me, take a look at how he forced his Wil and essentially ostracized me from the F2P community over helping people achieve AGMs with my 90 in the summer of 2011.
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