Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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The market is still there? Doesn't matter whether there's 1 or 10000 companies lol

don't tell anyone fraudster, but it's not a real market and my cockerel can't lay eggs...

the business was doomed from the start.... if only i could find the guy who sold me that f**king chicken.
Who are you talking to? I've group queued maybe 2 times with TL in my life and I don't think I've ever skyped with them.

in general.

Until you counter my arguments and I have nothing to answer with, I am right and you're wrong. It's nothing to be embarassed about.

the chicken came before the egg. counter it or i'm right.

i'll read your reply in the morning. GN!
You know, according to Sputnick, AAO are always queing together and are in skype.

No, you're wrong. We have a big Skype convo, but not in call - just a big group to share info with. At best I Skype with HB, Mesi or Critrage, and even then we are in opposing teams mostly when we do.

For those of you saying that Horde completely farmed Ally in those 4 games we had today, here are some of the results (1 win | 1 loss):

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doesn't make your point more valid though does it

it's an analogy... if you become #1 at something that your actions in getting #1 spot means it's not there anymore, you just wasted yours, and everyone elses time. mostly yours because you tried so hard.

fact is, my analogy is as useful as hurrx's football one. and that's as useful as a chocolate fireguard.
No, you're wrong. We have a big Skype convo, but not in call - just a big group to share info with. At best I Skype with HB, Mesi or Critrage, and even then we are in opposing teams mostly when we do.

For those of you saying that Horde completely farmed Ally in those 4 games we had today, here are some of the results (1 win | 1 loss):

In the first game you were getting farmed aswell. I mean it's just Junoo who decided to throw.
In the first game you were getting farmed aswell. I mean it's just Junoo who decided to throw.

If you disregard the 1.2k HP (clueless) rogue deaths (11), it was actually even, if you compare the deaths on both factions. Just because you were near our GY doesn't mean you were leading the game. We had our FC with us. Those 2 good rogues would still have double-ambush (2-shot) Junoo at 5 stacks, regardless if he was containing with you or not.

Now on the 2nd game, the difference in deaths is abysmal.
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If you disregard the 1.2k HP (clueless) rogue deaths (11), it was actually even, if you compare the deaths on both factions. Just because you were near our GY doesn't mean you were leading the game. We had our FC with us. Those 2 good rogues would still have double-ambush (2-shot) Junoo at 5 stacks, regardless if he was containing with you or not.

Now on the 2nd game, the difference in deaths is abysmal.

Well we got a 1.5 WW rushing in every time, a MW 1.5 HP aswell, Artemesia outranging us all day, Same for Junoo while holding flag which is worst and Hajima playing at school in canada have to afk when his teacher come near to him.

And i mean, we could have our FC with us aswell but apparently he prefer throw and consider that as a good loose to make his team win. Thoses 2 good rogues wouldn't even kill Junoo if he stayed right to us. they can just ambush and drop him low then they will get CC'ed and die cuz out of range of any healers. Plus i don't know if open kicking is really the definition of a good rogues but yeah it's efficient.

The one (Shadez from Outland) was doing well with sappings all healers / FC's.
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Let's just keep at this instead of pointless arguing. Alliance won 2, Horde won 2. Both teams had their moments and both teams had their share of useless melee in the BG's. No point in trying to convince others on who farmed who the most. The games were PuG's, and not premades...
Let's just keep at this instead of pointless arguing. Alliance won 2, Horde won 2. Both teams had their moments and both teams had their share of useless melee in the BG's. No point in trying to convince others on who farmed who the most. The games were PuG's, and not premades...

But i would have hadn't i lagged at cap area prior to your repick, you played with an advantage and lost (====

Well if you didn't lagged we won't see all thoses displacer beast every 5 seconds of the game which clearly is an advantage for you.

for thoses who didn't understand he don't have the displacer beast talent but he still teleport with less cool down.
Well if you didn't lagged we won't see all thoses displacer beast every 5 seconds of the game which clearly is an advantage for you.

for thoses who didn't understand he don't have the displacer beast talent but he still teleport with less cool down.

the feeling when you are not in any spell or melee range and you still get KO'd, so yes clearly an advantage for me x))))))
I try queue up at 7pm CET time but I usually just wait for 30-40 minutes and get my time wasted :/

7-8 is a good time to que, should get some pops then
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