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if you check "inforce bracket level", and people click to search for premades they qualify for only it should pop right up.

ofc they has to be one running on your faction.
i dont see y u would bring that up then. ive never seen ppl complain about ownaque mesikämmen or pb afking constantly

I think i speak for all dedicated FC's when i say there's a un-written codex that allows them to AFK games, because there is only so much you can do with a shitty team.
play like me? xD i have been doing that against isa , US , TL late cata premades. easy inb4 5 TL fake accounts reply and flame xoxoxoxo

Everybody should play like you, sending 2 guys in mid and let 8 guys in the base, what a revolution for the bracket, your strat counter mid fight so hard.
Btw, I saw someone saying we had 3 constant healers on the 1st and 2nd pop (only 1 screen-shot listed here), but please keep in mind that their healing (combined) wouldn't even reach mine, as even Vianco outhealed them as Boomkin. So that would basically convert into 1.5 healers on the Ally side. Just reinforcing it, that's all.

It's not about 1,5 healers. it's more like Vianco worth 2-3 players. And by the way you can't compare Rsham who have to waste GCDs on purge and stuff to you who clearly have to heal most of the time and roots once per hour.
Everybody should play like you, sending 2 guys in mid and let 8 guys in the base, what a revolution for the bracket, your strat counter mid fight so hard.

it was a mistake and worth trying i wanted to counter mid fight tactic but that didnt work

And i play so much better in solo q than 10v10 and i am 100% sure you know that :)
It's not about 1,5 healers. it's more like Vianco worth 2-3 players. And by the way you can't compare Rsham who have to waste GCDs on purge and stuff to you who clearly have to heal most of the time and roots once per hour.

you are so far up vianco's arse, i don't think it's possible to help you outta there :(
Yes i'm sure killing thoses 1.1 HP rogues horde side is so hard.

? what are you talking about i dont kill anybody i just focus flags and outplay your ''contain'' tactic like what i did 4 days ago

You guys focus on top dmg and top healing done not flags and that is your weak point and you are so much deff on skype dunno why you acting like that in here
It's not about 1,5 healers. it's more like Vianco worth 2-3 players. And by the way you can't compare Rsham who have to waste GCDs on purge and stuff to you who clearly have to heal most of the time and roots once per hour.

With that logic in mind, we won the first 2 matches I was in as 10v13.

Also, the shaman was mostly (trying) to heal, throwing in a purge once in a while.
? what are you talking about i dont kill anybody i just focus flags and outplay your ''contain'' tactic like what i did 4 days ago

You guys focus on top dmg and top healing done not flags and that is your weak point and you are so much deff on skype dunno why you acting like that in here

Why i haven't saw that yet :(
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