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What happened to the argument about comparing Druids to Hunters? Given up on that one?

stealth>skillsurge>starfire>dead hunter. it's not my fault he stood around multi dotting so he's SS's look cool.

l2p issue.
idk y ppl keep talking about tl afking. a huge amount of the "respectably twinks" afk constantly

Eh no. Its just sad, that out of all those games, there happens to be one, where ally dont have a faceroll comb, and the opposite team afks. While when vs a bad pug w/o ranged dps, its cool to stay in.
And in addition to that, one needs to cry on TI about that one game...

But you won the game? How can we contain?

I dont even know why, maybe cause you focused to much on mid?
But then the other 3 hunters 1 shot him silly.

and what are you and the rest of the braintrust doing leaving him solo for?

l2p issue No2.
Eh no. Its just sad, that out of all those games, there happens to be one, where ally dont have a faceroll comb, and the opposite team afks. While when vs a bad pug w/o ranged dps, its cool to stay in.
And in addition to that, one needs to cry on TI about that one game...

so by eh no u mean that tl r the only ones afking games? if yes then ur kidding urself. i dont blame the ppl who afk out of games like that, i mean i would personally afk every game against 4 hunters and 3+ healers
We were either oom or dead, cos 4 hunter team uno.

so you stood in mid and slogged it out with them? good thinking batman.
How do you expect to pass a 4 hunter mid team with 1 healer?

true! i forgot they removed druid stealth on the last page...

i'm putting my kids to bed now. pm me if you need anymore help.
So, going by this thread. 4 Hunters aren't faceroll, Locks are as good as Hunters, and a boomkin can win 1v10. Ok

I don't think anything else needs to be said.
true! i forgot they removed druid stealth on the last page...

i'm putting my kids to bed now. pm me if you need anymore help.

now u got ur balance who does about 50% of the teams entire dmg sitting in the alliance base while the remaining players get farmed til stacks

ya that worked quite well for alliance since mid cata lmao
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