Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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so by eh no u mean that tl r the only ones afking games? if yes then ur kidding urself. i dont blame the ppl who afk out of games like that, i mean i would personally afk every game against 4 hunters and 3+ healers

No i dont mean that TL are the only ones afking games.

You are clueless Gurke. You are discussing a game where alliance had 4 hunters, 1 rogue, 4 healers, 1 fc prot pala 4.1k hp vs a team with no FC, 2 healers and less powerful dps classes then alliance. There was no way alliance could lose that game, 4 hunters alone destroys an actual FC, something horde lacked.
You have no clue about 5.4 balance and what the counters are. You had one the most faceroll combos ingame right now in 5.4 and u say it was not a faceroll comb hahahahaha

I discuss nothing vianco.
My sentence "where ally dont have a faceroll comb" clearly means (and you should have got that out of the context) that we didnt have a comb that was faceroll for YOU, for the horde or whatever. What means, we had a strong combo. Still sad you afkd. And now pssshhhh
all these flawless tactics, yet you lost :'(
Thanks saint. You clever goose.

Talk about digging your own grave.

way to prove everyones point lmao.

Hunter and FC > Tactics

so it's like people have been saying, without a full bis premade you guys couldn't beat a random pug.

Hey Lenymo here,

Had a blast with games tonight, nice to see some solid communication horde side.
Looking forward to more games like these!
Good games people. It happens that the first game was rulled by hunters, that's true. But the second game was pretty even.

The rest of the games the allies kept on AFK'ing, and we had 3 trolls with 1k hp (Priest, Rogue, Warrior).

Well, we had 5 pops so far. Keep them coming, and please don't AFK. I always fight games to the last minute.

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Well we had our common melee teams without heals in the end.
Hope that will change for tomorrow
Tonight was awesome i really loved thoses lock who peeled for me alot :) i really loved that boomkin doing strong damage. I hope you guys keep queuing, maybe we can improve a little bit on damage ?
You are so stupid and clueless about 5.4 lmao.

Best compliment I've had all night. Means alot coming from a random troll acc which is gonna get banned shortly *shrug*

In other news I think we just had last pop, games slowly went down the drain since any decent ranged & heals stopped queuing for ally.
Draenor is full. Position in queue 770. Estimated time 21min.
Hope bgs will still be up by then
Good games people. It happens that the first game was rulled by hunters, that's true. But the second game was pretty even.

The rest of the games the allies kept on AFK'ing, and we had 3 trolls with 1k hp (Priest, Rogue, Warrior).

Well, we had 5 pops so far. Keep them coming, and please don't AFK. I always fight games to the last minute.

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Btw, I saw someone saying we had 3 constant healers on the 1st and 2nd pop (only 1 screen-shot listed here), but please keep in mind that their healing (combined) wouldn't even reach mine, as even Vianco outhealed them as Boomkin. So that would basically convert into 1.5 healers on the Ally side. Just reinforcing it, that's all.
Btw, I saw someone saying we had 3 constant healers on the 1st and 2nd pop (only 1 screen-shot listed here), but please keep in mind that their healing (combined) wouldn't even reach mine, as even Vianco outhealed them as Boomkin. So that would basically convert into 1.5 healers on the Ally side. Just reinforcing it, that's all.

Coupled with the fact that I was playing prot and couldnt put out any kind of heals that would save stuff from getting bursted. Wast just taking pressure off our actual heals
Coupled with the fact that I was playing prot and couldnt put out any kind of heals that would save stuff from getting bursted. Wast just taking pressure off our actual heals

Cmon baldi, you know I love you. I know your work. ;)
Coupled with the fact that I was playing prot and couldnt put out any kind of heals that would save stuff from getting bursted. Wast just taking pressure off our actual heals

it doesn't matter, the braintrust said it so it has to be right.
Queue in an hour rubberduckers, I might be a bit late depending on studying, but hopefully we'll get some decent games tonight
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