3 decent hunters vs 3 decent lock/ele/boomy - same difference really except 2 less offhealers
Jagerhoed is a beast, we all know it.
3 decent hunters vs 3 decent lock/ele/boomy - same difference really except 2 less offhealers
and boomkins can't![]()
Yes, with a cast ability, that you can't spam 4 times in a row.
ahh, so starfire has a cd now? .
Its ok. Afking when getting a challange and containing when vs. bad pug. All good, now keep queueing!
Your honestly comparing a 2.5 sec cast, to a single arcane which can crit for 500 with no CD, and an explosive shot which hits for 400 per tick with scope while being able to run around? >.<
Ofcourse druids can do good damage when there not up against 4 hunters which can 1 shot him.
I don't understand that sentence
Its ok. Afking when getting a challange and containing when vs. bad pug. All good, now keep queueing!
are these hunters premade? like TL hunters from the end of cata? you have np when your FotM brigade are in there, deal with it.
I don't understand that sentence