Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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Stubs, first off im 12, second off I outplayed 7 man of u on my druid speed pot / worgen ability and shit not saying I could do it again but I did I have trialdruid and roula as witnesses. So ya gg wp hf cy@ mejt

"i out played 7 man of u on my druid speed pot / worgen ability and shit" tell me again how that is out play when you didnt even win the game
Go get ur TL buddies to start flaming me on TI too please you guys are like 6 year old girls fighting lol
Go get ur TL buddies to start flaming me on TI too please you guys are like 6 year old girls fighting lol

u r hopeless, hope some mod ban u fast before u start necroing more threads and flame
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Stubs, first off im 12, second off I outplayed 7 man of u on my druid speed pot / worgen ability and shit not saying I could do it again but I did I have trialdruid and roula as witnesses. So ya gg wp hf cy@ mejt
I don't think you understand the term "outplayed", you outplayed us by running by the speed of light because of racials and consumeables? That's like saying 5 boomkins beat 5 warriors cause they outplayed them.
Also we haven't been 7 TL in the same WSG for weeks now. I remember you turtling in bases and then whenever you had worgen sprint and speed pot ready you crossed mid. It was actually your fault that you entire team got GY farmed because you were derping around and we were unable to catch up with you. I guess trialdruid showed you his "how to get your entire team GY farmed by playing a druid" guide.
I don't think you understand the term "outplayed", you outplayed us by running by the speed of light because of racials and consumeables? That's like saying 5 boomkins beat 5 warriors cause they outplayed them.
Also we haven't been 7 TL in the same WSG for weeks now. I remember you turtling in bases and then whenever you had worgen sprint and speed pot ready you crossed mid. It was actually your fault that you entire team got GY farmed because you were derping around and we were unable to catch up with you. I guess trialdruid showed you his "how to get your entire team GY farmed by playing a druid" guide.

I don't think 19 needs any more teenage drama or negativity if you wanna adress an issue mailbox me or pm
swear we got enuff for pops by now -.-
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