Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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i would love to queue eu but sadly i have cancelled my sub i will prob renew it soon

reece find me a good acc idgaf bout gfd items just a fuckin acc with looms n im good!!

search AH section, a few us acc for sale i dunno how much u wanna spend etc
US Accounts aren't that expencive, it all comes down to how lazy you are. I'm surprised I ended up making one from 'scratch' with scroll of resurrection, because I'm really lazy lol.
US Accounts aren't that expencive, it all comes down to how lazy you are. I'm surprised I ended up making one from 'scratch' with scroll of resurrection, because I'm really lazy lol.

can i have your us account please phonebook
but u equip a $150 sword on ur warlock

and a 600 dollar mount on main, and a 800 dollar ogre costume on rogue, and the list can go on but i will stahp
you wont get games so dont even try xd
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