Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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this is hilarious but true, tough love went US and the rest to EU f2p, so not that well if you are considering resub, don't it is waste of your money
we honestly just don't play that much either because of the good weather! if everyone would just come back it would be good
It's the Queue Thread, how is it Off-topic to hope for a pop here? d: XD AJAJAJAJAJFGJJAJAJAJA

OT = On Topic xD

He started his post with some random nonsense then turnt bk on topic hence the OT!
Many different uses, most acronyms.

1.- Over Time. Time beyond an established limit, such as in working hours or sports games.
2.- Occupational Therapist/Therapy. The profession or activity of treatment or rehabilitation of physically or emotionally disabled people.
3.- Old Testament. The first of the two main divisions of the Bible, corresponding to the Hebrew Scriptures.
4.- Off Topic. A message board, thread or newsgroup that does not deal with the main

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Its funny tbh MOST of the good alliance players that played either went horde to farm with TL or went f2p gg. Now 5.4 is only encouraging gy farming, come on blizzard think of this bracket or should I say TL stop farming ffs you play 19s for hks not for fun like a lot of the community do, ur ruining it bro.
Its funny tbh MOST of the good alliance players that played either went horde to farm with TL or went f2p gg. Now 5.4 is only encouraging gy farming, come on blizzard think of this bracket or should I say TL stop farming ffs you play 19s for hks not for fun like a lot of the community do, ur ruining it bro.

bääähääää cry more because thats all u do but after awhile you come crawling again like a 14 year old girl who seek back to the badboys (Vianco hue xd)
Stubs, first off im 12, second off I outplayed 7 man of u on my druid speed pot / worgen ability and shit not saying I could do it again but I did I have trialdruid and roula as witnesses. So ya gg wp hf cy@ mejt
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