The Saint
I won't like you
I couldn't light a match
Thought I'd simplify it for the members that don't know you.
I couldn't light a match
I dont even..
No drama between guild mates, who the hell care if you got drama with another guild.
No drama between guild mates, who the hell care if you got drama with another guild.
great elaboration, thanks for that, almost lost it at this comment, also not gonna bring up jana or any other conflicts you have had within the guild, good night
Did you managed to make it happen ? No then i don't know what are you doing here maybe we are both wrong. But the last time i saw you were active it was only in the AH section so please keep making thoses F2Ps queuing into 24s groups it's fine.
Correct.leotseddap from what i'm seeing you say your heart lies at 19,
I would yes but being in a queue which doesn't pop and when it pops playing with just elite and premading players is not my idea of fun in a pug environment.and you say you want to play it,
Exactly the point why I kinda dis it, no one is improving this bracket. There are still no regular pops and I can only conclude that the existing players don't want to expand the community and have enough players in it to get regular pops. Existing TI players, I don't say all but there are alot, only want elitism and being competative with..., how many 19 guilds are there? Just a few who don't even regular queue otherwise you would have games everyday and you should ask what is wrong with this totall picture and why but people don't care about any of this. They just care about themselves and maby their buddies.but you do nothing but dis it and do nothing to try and improve it.
Exactly.One of the two reasons you don't play is activity,
I did that alot really. So this is not true.then you go and not improve activity that one bit by queuing.
Exactly what I was saying.The other reason being an attitude change, there is little to no way that will change with no activity, and yet again, if no one does anything to improve it, nothing will happen.
I did that alot really. So this is not true.then you go and not improve activity that one bit by queuing
Thats right, I don't play my 19s anymore
There is a reason I don't play and it is called activity and attitude.
Look mr.f2p dude.
Back in early cata / wotlk 19s was active coz everyone didn't look at the bracket as they do now. People queued on 19s at all hours. Now there is set hours. Because people make competitive games. You said earlier " ab is good " bollicks, we play for mid battle not bases and resources . Feel free to queue up, get a guild with 500 twinks if you want but the community is stuck like this it's not changing back. Also just stop trying so hard.
The bracket now isn't active we all know that but it could be. We all know who queues. There's like 50 people in this bracket. If people just constantly queued every night it would be Exetremely active it's like a wargame, it's active when people log. We're never stuck for people but someone might say " ugh I don't wanna queue today TL are grouping " or ugh rather farm jaja's . I may have gone a LITTLE off topic but stop trying hard this bracket is the way it should be everything happens for a reason
- peace out niggos![]()
firsty, you cant remember old school 19s, the only things you know are what you've been told. How do I know that? Simple, you just aren't old enough.
secondly, this bracket is the way it's supposed to be? So it's supposed to be dead?
i have to admit, Leo has made some bad, as well as good points, but frankly you're talking shit.
I can see why you would be confused. You are mixing up the past and the present and are you not happy I queue up to improve the bg pops even though I would not play them so you can play your locked bg's? I even jumped in some games too. And selective quoting is a bad thing. I said I don't play them anymore in locked battlegrounds which doesn't mean I don't play at all. But yeah I still have to update my old ones but that is on hold cause of activity and server they are on but that didn't stopped me from making new ones.
I'm confused, are you doing it or not?
I've been playing wow since I was 6.
It's not dead we have the people they just won't queue.
More shit comes out of you
Than goes into a toilet.
You have problems being coherent now... I can't imagine you at six.
Yet I'm better than you at this game. I remember ganking your dorf rshammy oh the memories :') anyway I'm not allowed talk to 60 year old pedo's bye bye