this duude so eager to throw blows, so much bad influence in the internet corrupting this young mind =((
fear not, swe tink lud is very mature
this duude so eager to throw blows, so much bad influence in the internet corrupting this young mind =((
yes i too would like to have a delusional moderator postin in my favor
ps have u learnt how to throw barrels without keyturning
thats the reason you cant get pops. you're expecting rbg groups in the 19 twink bracket. the aim was activity first then improve.
what is the quality of games at the mome.... oh yeah, there is none.
I'm sorry but i really didn't know you guys were slow to learn the basics since you called mid games was something "easy" and stuff.
no, i said mid games was boring and something i didn't want to play. hence why i deleted my shaman and quit the bracket, AGAIN. link where i said that?
Well according to your guild chat logs, you did it to help the bracket.
I would like to see people go into WSG at 7PM daily again, im bored out of my mind at the moment without any pops...
So like is queueing 19s 19.00 a thing now?
what I meant was, does everyone do it?No reason it can't be.
what I meant was, does everyone do it?