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Hunter macro question.I got this macro:

But I want to use clench(disarm) on mouseover, if it doesnt exist , on current target.
Same for Serenety Dust, but instead of checking mouseover,check for focus, if it doesnt exist, use it on target.

why not have them on focus

/focus [target=mouseover,nodead,harm,exists]
/use [pet:Scorpid][target=focus] Clench; [pet:Moth][target=focus] Serenity Dust
No, they rely on 20s to start games. I imagine if the bracket continues to become popular then there will come a point where it's dominated by 24s. In January you would rarely see a 24 in a game. Now there are probably 3 a game each faction? Something like that.

i think that has more to do with the timing of new content than it does with the age of the game. when MoP rolls out, you won't see many 24's for several months (my guess anyway).
i think that has more to do with the timing of new content than it does with the age of the game. when MoP rolls out, you won't see many 24's for several months (my guess anyway).

I totally agree, people will be focused on their mains. But for now, it's relatively easy to gear up a 24 and the new endgame content is tackled. So I imagine we'll be seeing more and more 24s, especially as the bracket gains popularity. And if you look at the twinkinfo forums it's pretty clear this is the most popular twink bracket right now.
But I want to use clench(disarm) on mouseover, if it doesnt exist , on current target.
Same for Serenety Dust, but instead of checking mouseover,check for focus, if it doesnt exist, use it on target.

I'm going to assume this whole "scorpid" thing is a typo...

/use [pet:Bird of Prey,@mouseover,harm,nodead][pet:Bird of Prey] Snatch; [pet:Moth,@focus,harm,nodead][pet:Moth] Serenity Dust

...should do exactly what you want it to, give it a try.
Why would it be a typo?

Because scorpids and birds have the exact same disarm, but dash/dive >>> charge for BG purposes (and I would think arena as well, but can't speak from experience).

Charge is hilariously bad. Anyone can kite a charge pet indefinitely by staying out of its 20yd range, no snares needed. Even if you're in its charge range, you can just change directions abruptly, and the pet will move out of melee range and remain out of melee range until charge comes back off CD or you stop moving. We don't have access to the +30% movement pet talent that allows charge pets to stay on a normal runspeed opponent.

I see way too many scorpids in BGs. I think most non-BM hunters just miss the fact that their pet is not in melee range of its target, since they're not getting errors from kill command. My dash pet is out of range a fair amount against moving targets already with only 50% uptime, I can't imagine only having 1 guaranteed second on target out of 25.

And what exactly is a hunter going to do with that 1s root anyway? It's not going to peel you far enough out of melee range from a feral or ret pally that he won't make it back up with his +movement, and a warrior or rogue will have a snare on you.
Charge is hilariously bad. Anyone can kite a charge pet indefinitely by staying out of its 20yd range, no snares needed.

Well they would need to snare it if they were conc'd, and I'd rather have a Hunter kite my pet then slow the efc or kite another dps, but that is still a good point.

I believe scorpion is better because it has the advantage 1v1 and the only time I would see a hunter needing a game-breaking disarm would be against other hunters, and maybe exceptional rogues if you aren't BM.

Both pets can get kited easily, I just think charge brings more in a one on one fight, if they screw up and let the pet get within the 20 yards they have no opportunity to correct themselves, while a bird would give them it.
Where do you find changes for skills in MoP? I read somewhere in threads that concussive shot is being removed. Do i check the talent pages?
Also, for the noble title, how are you suppose to travel to those certain places to plant the rose, mounts? flight? guide? walk?
Where do you find changes for skills in MoP? I read somewhere in threads that concussive shot is being removed. Do i check the talent pages?
Also, for the noble title, how are you suppose to travel to those certain places to plant the rose, mounts? flight? guide? walk?

you can either go to wow head news for mop updates or mmo champion since they are being updated regularly and as for the achievements for noble garden just go there the old fashioned way unless you have a p2p friend that can summon you
Question - since my old P2P account is on EU and it legit for scroll of resurrection I was wondering can I create a different US account on same then use scroll for that account?
This way I could get the insta lvl 80 on AP, I'm just curious is it possible?
Thanks, and also. Where the ef do i find a female dwarf?? I did a who on dwarves, and all were male :(

Tauren and Dwarf were my last two to find.

As Horde, i just hung out on the edge of Goldshire until I found a dwarf. I also did the BG's, but wouldn't complete them...just pop in to see if there were any female dwarves and then bail and wait on the edge of Goldshire until the deserter debuff wore off (actually found one in a BG, but in all the excitement, I somehow changed my target to a Night Elf before I popped the flowers). :///////
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But I want to use clench(disarm) on mouseover, if it doesnt exist , on current target.
Same for Serenety Dust, but instead of checking mouseover,check for focus, if it doesnt exist, use it on target.
If I typed it correctly, this will do what you want, no need to specify the pet.

This will Clench your mouseover. If you dont have one or it is a teammate, it will clench your target. If you have a moth out it will Serenity Dust your focus, and if you don't have one or it is a teammate it will Serenity Dust your target.
/cast [@mouseover,harm,exists] Clench; Clench
/cast [@focus,harm,exists] Serenity Dust; Serenity Dust

reroll please
I'm going to assume this whole "scorpid" thing is a typo...

/use [pet:Bird of Prey,@mouseover,harm,nodead][pet:Bird of Prey] Snatch; [pet:Moth,@focus,harm,nodead][pet:Moth] Serenity Dust

...should do exactly what you want it to, give it a try.

Thanks, works fine
I have a request for anyone who plays a rogue - do you have any WSG videos you can post?

But it will be awhile before they are done. What are you looking for specifically?
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