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check armory to see what toons got certain items. Most likely if you see "toon-A" has obtain "item" then that toon has completed the quest. (if you can recall that toon turning in quest recently with partial info)
Around 35k g for flying drake, 15k for chopper, 18k(?) for 3 person mammoth or raf another account and pay for game time for a rocket.

It's been a while since I've played high end. Approximately how much time would it take to earn enough gold for a 2 seater flyer? In your opinion, do you think I'd just be better off putting down 15 bucks for RAF?
It's been a while since I've played high end. Approximately how much time would it take to earn enough gold for a 2 seater flyer? In your opinion, do you think I'd just be better off putting down 15 bucks for RAF?

Just a guess,,, maybe 3-500g a hour farming. Will be more then $15 because you have to buy the game and then game time.

Have to buy game and 60 days game time, then main account gets mount and 30 days free time.
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Hey i saw this mount In MoP, do u think it will be a rep mount like the ones we have now?

Since it's essentially a two-seater flying mount, I not only believe that it will require a high level character and/or high level profession (possibly Archaeology again) to acquire, but also that the Requires level 20 is only a temporary mislabelling.

EDIT: Also, thank you Veinte.
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Dissector vs. Wicked dagger

Which is better for rogues? For hunters? Basically what are the pros of using one over another.

Lots of rogues use dual Wicked Daggers, for the extra crit. Bascally you lose 2 Agility and gain 4 crit and .5 DPS. I think If you can get a Doomspike to drop, then that's a great off-hand because of it's speed (for applying poison). Probably easier grinding the Sharpened Scarlet Kris BoA for that purpose though.

Also, for instances there are the Blade of the Shattered Hand and Stillwater's Dagger (Horde), and SI:7 Special Issue Dagger and Keeshan's Dagger (Alliance). These quest rewards are great if you need extra hit in dungeons, for getting your Wicked Daggers for instance (no pun intended).

For hunters just go naked. :p
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If you are a ret paladin, what macros are you using. I've never used macros before, and although I intend to start using them, I've got no clue where to start. The only one I've done so far, is making crusader strike start normal attacking if it is on cooldown/i'm oom. Other than that, I've got no clue what macros might be useful. Any advice would be great.
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