Is Lokah and Lohkrah the same person? Just curious...
No, they are different people.
Is Lokah and Lohkrah the same person? Just curious...
If anybody has good advice on an Enhancment Shaman attack rotation? I am all ears.
Primal Strike.Lava Lash.ES>Repeat>FS on rogues
Lightning shield always up, and fire totem always down.
Hey all,
It's Billy here.
My question is for Alliance EU players:
Have you ever met in a BG a horde team form french, spanish or german servers?
Since you can't group with people of different language servers, but you can face them, I was curious if there some hordies from those servers and how they were (maybe 600 hps noobs are just in the english servers)
Stop using Internet Explorer.
The only things that really takes time grinding on a f2p character are BoAs. If you want something very casual, pick a non-caster class and gear up pre-boa BiS. You'll be only slightly less powerful than others but still very formidable. Alternatively, if you do DMF / BGs casually you'll eventually grind out your BoAs regardless.
They take very little time to gear up to a competent level. The thing that takes a lot of time is gearing your character up to the nth degree.
alright, ty. i think i'll just gear up enough to be "formidable." I'll prolly roll priest tho... maybe druid or sham. hopefully i don't fall off the wagon and go all out BiS/chanted/engi lol