Questions & Answers

I have a couple of questions I was hoping to get answers.

1) Just curious, why is the number one populated level 20 twink server on a PVE Normal server? It just seems rather counter intuitive and seems like it would hurt the chances of world PvP.

2) I'm really enjoying my lvl20 twink on my current server, but it's dead as far as other lvl20's to interact with. Would it be worth it to start all over and reroll on another server with a greater lvl20 population? I like the thought of everyone on the same server, which it looks like people tried to do with Aerie Peak, but it's a PVE Normal server.... no thanks carebears. Is there a highly populated PvP server for lvl20?

3) With the F2P addon does it work cross realm or with different battlegroups? I know they did away with battlegroups for battlegrounds. I'm just confused on if you have to be on the same server with the F2Paddon or can you be on different servers?

1) When it first started the community was alliance so wpvp wouldn't have been a thing anyways, but mostly because fishing on a pvp server is even more of a headache than it normally is.

2) BH if you count vets.

3) It works cross realm if the realms are merged and not just phased together.
1) When it first started the community was alliance so wpvp wouldn't have been a thing anyways, but mostly because fishing on a pvp server is even more of a headache than it normally is.

2) BH if you count vets.

3) It works cross realm if the realms are merged and not just phased together.

#1 ... To each their own I guess, I would rather world PvP than fish any day.

#2 I'm still unclear on what the difference between a veteran and a f2p is? I used to pay to play but I am going to let my account expire and will be playing f2p, would I be considered a vet?

#3 So Bleeding Hollow has a good level 20 population and is a PvP server. They are already in my battlegroup (Ruin) that my level 20 is on now. Will the way the F2paddon works, is it worth it for me to remake a character on Bleeding Hollow? Or will it work just as well since I'm already in the same battlegroup?

#1 ... To each their own I guess, I would rather world PvP than fish any day.

#2 I'm still unclear on what the difference between a veteran and a f2p is? I used to pay to play but I am going to let my account expire and will be playing f2p, would I be considered a vet?

#3 So Bleeding Hollow has a good level 20 population and is a PvP server. They are already in my battlegroup (Ruin) that my level 20 is on now. Will the way the F2paddon works, is it worth it for me to remake a character on Bleeding Hollow? Or will it work just as well since I'm already in the same battlegroup?


Blizzard changed things to allow you to continue to play on your lapsed subscription account just with starter restrictions. Characters above 20 are locked out while the sub is lapsed. Many people have made vet 20s on these type of accounts.

A 20 on a p2p account with a lapsed sub is referred to as vet 20, vet f2p, or p2p 20 since it can have looms and enchants not available to a starter f2p.

The addon would work for connected (merged) realms, not realms of the same battlegroup if I am not mistaken.
Hey guys,

So I've been gone from this game for about 2-3 years now, but am thinking of slowly working my way back into it. I left more or less on the eve of Mists of Pandaria, so I assume it's safe to say that a crap ton has changed since then, and I look forward to experiencing all these changes! But for now, I was wondering what are currently the most active servers. I used to have all my characters on Aerie Peak, but if the EU scene has developed in the last few years, it would be awesome to be able to go on one of those so that the ping could be lower!

Hope to see you in game soon,
AP was a low latency server. And used to be relatively low density.
Your other questions have been answered.

Awesome, I might check out AP again. But just for sake of people being on at similar timezones, what are the current most populated EU servers?

THIS IS FOR US : The best server for 20s is Aerie Peak (f2p or vet) Bleeding Hollow (full vet), and there is also Drenden (vet).

THe best latency servers tho are Aerie peak and Bleeding Hollow (better 100% i guess).
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Unfortunately I can see a lot of 19s dinging 20 while veteran. Blizzard really should do something to prevent that from happening (starting with making it clearer that your XP has become unlocked), but in case it does happen, there is a precedent for GMs fixing a dinged 19. Not by lowering its level, but by creating a level one character on your account, and giving it all the gear off your now level 20 ex 19.
Unfortunately I can see a lot of 19s dinging 20 while veteran. Blizzard really should do something to prevent that from happening (starting with making it clearer that your XP has become unlocked), but in case it does happen, there is a precedent for GMs fixing a dinged 19. Not by lowering its level, but by creating a level one character on your account, and giving it all the gear off your now level 20 ex 19.

thank you a lot.
Hi, I'm new to the forum so please excuse me for doing something not right
Question about vet account (or f2p character on a sub expired p2p account):
I've created a f2p ret on my p2p account after sub expired. After reaching lv20 I started working on his profession, and that's when I find out his profession is limited/locked.
Though this vet character can train his skill up to 100, he cannot craft some items that requires 75 skill points, such as brilliant necklace and westfall stew, and I guess all items beyond 75 skill points would be locked as well. This contradicts to what I saw on the forum that a vet character, after sub expired, may only craft item that is below 100 skill points, just like what a starter account character is capable of.
The only difference I can think of between a vet and my character is my ret is created after sub expired and until now I have not renewed my sub. Would my character able to craft items up to 100 skill after I renew my sub for one month then go f2p again? Thanks for any help.
Hi, I'm new to the forum so please excuse me for doing something not right
Question about vet account (or f2p character on a sub expired p2p account):
I've created a f2p ret on my p2p account after sub expired. After reaching lv20 I started working on his profession, and that's when I find out his profession is limited/locked.
Though this vet character can train his skill up to 100, he cannot craft some items that requires 75 skill points, such as brilliant necklace and westfall stew, and I guess all items beyond 75 skill points would be locked as well. This contradicts to what I saw on the forum that a vet character, after sub expired, may only craft item that is below 100 skill points, just like what a starter account character is capable of.
The only difference I can think of between a vet and my character is my ret is created after sub expired and until now I have not renewed my sub. Would my character able to craft items up to 100 skill after I renew my sub for one month then go f2p again? Thanks for any help.

Heya, so F2Ps can craft to 100.

For some reason, Vets (Letting a Subscription run out on a level 20) have their professions limited to 75.

In that respect, they are more limited than a F2P account.

Once you renew, you would of course be able to increase your profession to over 75 (all the way to 225, if I recall) and use all of the perks of that profession until your sub once again expires.
Heya, so F2Ps can craft to 100.

For some reason, Vets (Letting a Subscription run out on a level 20) have their professions limited to 75.

In that respect, they are more limited than a F2P account.

Once you renew, you would of course be able to increase your profession to over 75 (all the way to 225, if I recall) and use all of the perks of that profession until your sub once again expires.

Thanks for your reply. So you are saying after I renew and then expire the sub my ret may have 225 skill points but still be unable to craft item beyond 75 (such as brilliant necklace or enchant minor striking). That kinda suck... I guess the whole point of vet is to rely on the 225 skill points and the stock of profession supplies self crafted or bought from ah during the sub period. Once sub is expired and stock runs out, either stuck to a 25 less skill point profession compared to a normal starter account character or renew the sub!!!

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